Friday, July 28, 2006

Entry for July 29, 2006

I just watched the movie The Chronicles Of Narnia with my kids. My daughter suggested that we see it after she watched it with her youth group at church. I will say that as far as movies go I was very surprised. It was a very good movie. It had major religious hidden meaning to it. The big shocker is that I know that many public schools have the book as required reading. I guess I should have said that the movie was based on the Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe.

The weather here has been just been hot and muggy.I dread going to work. After 30 years of doing construction work I guess I should be used to it. On these hot days I think about the winter days when I am working with ice hanging off my face but with this heat even my memories melt. Seems it is easier to warm up in the winter though than it is to cool off in the summer.

I made some salsa today from my tomatoes and peppers. It's the first time I have ever used celantro. It may just be me but I do not like celantro at all. It reminds me of getting my mouth washed with soap as a kid. I like salsa with more of just a tomato flavor with garlic, onion, peppers and tomatoes with some salt and a little vinager or lime juice. If anyone reading this has a good salsa recipe I woud love to get it from you. I have used it for chicken and pork dishes where I have replace wine with salsa for dishes like scalopine. Of course any traditional mexican dish that is popular I have made. Getting bored and need some new food ideas.