Saturday, April 19, 2008

How's Gardening?

The weather is warming up fast here and the urge to get the gardens going full steam is coming on hard.

I was able to get some green house plastic on line and was extremely impressed with the difference of the 6mil material over the 5. I was using regular 5mil plastic that we use for regular construction work and the stuff would not hold up to the weather for more than a year. So anyway, after pulling a gajillion old staples and then painting my green house frame and shelves a nice hunter green I finally installed the plastic and my tomato and pepper plants among a few other vegetables are well on their way. I am figuring a few more weeks though before I put them into the gardens because April isn't a very reliable month here. Anything could happen weather wise.

I had such a bad year last year with pepper plants and I wasn't to happy with the tomatoes either so I did all of my own plants from seed this year. I even have a few early varieties too just so Vero can't tease me cause I am waiting 75-80 days for a dang ripe tomato. Lets just see how close the 4th of July tomatoes actually are ready by the 4th of July.

I am a bit disappointed with the amount of compost I ended up with this year. I compost everything but for some reason after final stage I still don't have enough. But again I never do. I was actually thinking of getting some more from our towns recycling center but hate to do that.What ever chemicals and such people use in their yards usually end up in the compost along with what ever weed seeds and garbage that went into their leaf bags last fall.

The old tiller is working fine this year.That new Carburetor I had put on it a few years ago turned out to be a good investment.