Saturday, September 22, 2012

Bumper Crop Of Tomatoes

The garden has done great this year as far as tomatoes are concerned. I have had a bumper crop of plum tomatoes.
I only put in about 15 plum tomato plants in a new raised bed that I built next to the pool. The ground around the pool has been eroding away for years. I built a bulk head as a start of a project that will be done through the next coming years. The bulkhead is about 8' off the walkway around the pool. This 1st section is roughly 8' X 12'. I then filled the hole on the inside of the bulkhead and topped it with about 12" of compost.
The tomato plants loved the bed and thrived beyond expectations.

I have stocked the shelves with canned tomatoes, many varieties of tomato sauces, and even a load of canned chili. Now I am filling the freezer.

Next years new section will be just for peppers. I hope that they will do just as well.