Sunday, October 23, 2016

October 2016 Wood Carvings

A little thanksgiving Scene.

Cardinal Ornaments

Another Little Blue Man

A Little Santa Ornament

A Little Owl

Another Turkey

Thanks for the visit.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Just off the bench. I carved up this Polar Bear scene where the Polar Bear is Pulling a sleigh with a couple of little Penguins bringing a Christmas Tree to Santa. The piece is 14" long and is mounted on a white PVC board.

Just off the bench. I carved up this Polar Bear scene where the Polar Bear is Pulling a sleigh with a couple of little Penguins bringing a Christmas Tree to Santa. The piece is 14" long and is mounted on a white PVC board.

Just off the bench. I carved up this Polar Bear scene where the Polar Bear is Pulling a sleigh with a couple of little Penguins bringing a Christmas Tree to Santa. The piece is 14" long and is mounted on a white PVC board.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Scull and Colts Wood Carving

Last year while cruising through Google Images I came across a picture of a wood carving that someone had done for a Biker Organization that I thought was really cool. I really wanted to attempt something like it myself and the picture had a link which took me to a UTube video tutorial and how to do the carving.

I decided to do the carving after getting some scrap pieces of Walnut and had the person in mind that it would be done for.
The first step was to come up with a pattern. I searched picture after picture of skulls, skulls and bones, even skulls and colts. I am not sure what team they are or what state they play for, but there is actually a sports team that sports the skull and colts logo. I just didn't like any of the images that I was coming up with so I ended up taking pictures of skulls and some pictures of colts and making my own pattern by using the photos I found and editing them in Paint to get the layout and size that I wanted.

The following pictures are of my process with the carving from start to finish. I spent about a week from start to finish and am really proud of the final results.

The Pattern that I came up with.

I had to glue the Walnut boards together.

I ended up adding another Inch to either side.

Starting to carve. 

Working on the detail.


I'm really trying to get the colts to look realistic.

I really tried to make the skull have character. 

Sanded and the first coat of Shellac.

I have noticed a few spots that need a few tweaks

Tweaking completed and after another coat of Shellac.

1st Coat of a urethane finish. This is looking like one bad-assed carving.

Finish coated. 
Final Pictures

Final Pictures

Final Pictures

Final Pictures

What's sad is finishing a piece.
All the work that went into it.
The emptiness after sending it off to its destination.
I put a lot into this carving but I know it will have a good home.