Monday, August 14, 2017

"Jesus Praying In The Garden" Wood Carving, Farsider's Carvings

Our son spent a number of years as a Catholic Seminarian. When he was ordained I was going to carve a crucifixion for him. But as life would have it, He just before being ordained as a Deacon decided that becoming a Priest wasn't the life he really wanted for himself.
Our son John married a lovely young lady, Emily, yesterday.
For a wedding gift, I wanted to carve a meaningful gift for the two of them. A religiously themed gift. I wanted to take my time and with my limited skills, try my best to make it a piece of art. I spent well over 2 months off and on trying my best to get it to where I felt like I wanted it to be.
I have to thank several fellow carvers out there that guided me and pointed me in the right direction and even a friend or two that provided artistic advice when needed. You all know who you are.
The Carving is of Jesus Praying In The Garden. I hope that I did the scene with the love and the respect it deserves and that those feelings are always there for my son, daughter in law and their family to come, as the time/years go by.
I really like carving with walnut. What a beautiful wood to work with. It just adds so much character in my opinion, to whatever piece I carve.