Sunday, October 24, 2010

Still picking tomatoes, peppers and cukes here.


  1. Had 4 green tomatoes on the vine otherwise everything else has been yanked up...

  2. I still have tons of green peppers. Tomatoes are almost history...just a few tiny green ones.

    Gobs of hot peppers which I am planning to give to our pastors wife. (Wasn't my idea to grow them)

  3. I would give my right arm for a nice juicy cuke right now. They never seem to last long enough.

  4. You know mine were weird this year Vero, cucumbers. Nothing all summer, cool weather and bang, They are really good, make excellent pickles. They look like they may be an English variety. One never knows what they will get when buying plants at a garden center.

  5. Sounds like something that would be good to have as a late crop. Hope you remembered the variety. lol

  6. Vero, they were supposedly Market Moore's Straight 8's Bush Cucumbers. But they are not. It's a mystery. I've never grown cucumbers that thrive on cooler weather. I am usually up to the proverbial dorsal with them by July.
    This variety has a glossy but rougher skin, the flesh is almost pure white and they mature super fast once they blossom. They pickle up extra crispy in either spear or chip form using the cold method.

  7. Rooks= Ravens..or all black crows.

  8. There are other colors of crows?


  9. Wow! I learned something! All crows are definitely not solid black.
    This is the hooded crow.

  10. Zee has to stop typing in code. The only book I have read lately was a new cook book by Alton Brown. 30 bucks for a book that was like watching repeats of his last seasons episodes word for word practically.

  11. We have 3 types of crows in India..maybe more, but I have only seen 3 . One is the regular city and has a grey neck. The rook is all black..a bit shiney..the raven is bigger..all black and evil looking. ( I dont like any of them lol)
