Friday, August 30, 2013

NFL Football And Settlement

When I was a kid my high school didn't have a football team. It seemed that our principals son took a hit in the sternum, the injury cost him his life and ended the schools football program. That was back in the 60's. Of course every school around us had a football team. So if we boys from our school wanted to play, it wasn't through an organized sports program. 
My high school wasn't a high school that was for a town. In Up State NY towns were small. Our high school bussed in kids from practically 6 towns from our county. So as for football, for us to play we usually took on for starters, the boys from other towns. We didn't wear helmets, pads, uniforms. We just wore the cloths on our backs and pounded the Hell out of one another. It was also a way to work out rival conflicts between one towns boys and others. Not fighting but a really rough game of football where at the end of the game, everyone participating were damn good friends. And as we grew older, the end of the game usually ended up as a kegger.  The next day, was usually a day of being sore as Hell from the beating the body took the day before. 
I know, it sounds insane..... There could have been serious injuries not having the right equipment and such but there were no programs back in the day, especially where I was from like Pop Warner programs or programs where adults would get off their asses for the kids. Kids kept themselves entertained. Those were the rules, lol.
When I ended up in the service, over seas, for PT we would at times get on the field with a ball, play some soccer, some football, basketball, whatever, but we had one game in particular that we loved to play. We called it American ball and I was damn good at it. The game was to use what ever means necessary to get that ball over the goal line. Kick, throw, bounce, run, you name it, just score a goal with that ball in your hands. Again, no helmets, no padding, and sore as hell as a result from the game play. Good healthy exercise. 
Now the reason I went into that brief description is in regards to the recent news regarding the NFL and the players settling a lawsuit regarding concussions. The players are saying that the NFL is concealing the dangers of concussions.  
Wait a freaking minute, back the freaking short buss up here!
Are we going to listen and read this bullshit?
We have grown freaking men, steroid users to the max probably since their high school days and the weight rooms, pushing 100's of extra poundage, most not only high school graduates but also college graduates  since they probably had scholarships for  football, now playing in the NFL and they never knew that there was a risk that they might suffer a concussion playing football? The NFL hid that fact?
Wait, put a helmet on and then charge head first into a brick wall or better yet into the path of an on coming Yugo, do that a couple hundred more times. Congratulations, you just experienced what a head must feel like during a football game. The only difference is you don't get paid millions of dollars to do that per season.
We have soldiers going to war having their brains rattled by explosives. Suffering traumatic head injuries. Where are their millions? Hell, they are lucky to even get any medical help after being on years long waiting list through the VA once they come home. Read up on it. The facts are out there. 
Grown men saying that the NFL didn't warn them they may suffer head injuries during a football game. That's hilarious. The players were awarded almost 800 million dollars. I wonder how much the lawyers got out of that? Talk about bullshit lawsuits. 
What's next, are truckers going to sue because of fat asses or hemeroids? Boxers because they were punched in the heads a million times? Basketball players over shin splints? Hell, I'm a carpenter, I've had knee surgery, my back is shot and arthritic, who can I sue, Maybe if I can hold out a few more years I'll file suits against home owner associations, builder associations, the Carpenters Union and the box stores.

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