Saturday, March 3, 2018

Going Native Wood Carving

Just a bit of fooling around this week since I have been really busy at work. 

Earlier in the week from a scrap piece of wood from a cutoff, I made this guy. 

I really liked how he turned out but was thinking that a headdress would be nice. So from the same size piece of scrap I ended up with this piece.

Not much of a headdress but I liked the direction that I was going in. So I put the 2 together and came up with the following. 

I think that the headdress is more on track but not quite where I need it yet.

Today is a new day though and hopefully, I can add #4 by this evening. I'm pretty worn out from this weeks overload so I'm going to have a take it easy day.

I know that I do have to at least get some seeds ordered for the garden

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