Saturday, January 4, 2020

Billiards Room Demo and Reno, Health Club and Spa

The design firm that I work for took on a job renovating a Healthclub and Spa. One of the elements on the job was to remove the wallpaper in a billiards room, repaint and repaper. 
It turned out that the original wallpaper had not been installed properly. The damage seen in the photos that follow is what happens when walls are not prepped properly for wallpaper using the proper primers or sizing. 
There is a total of about 40 pictures from after the existing wallpaper was removed to when the walls were finished. 
My job was to get the walls back into useable shape. So I spent four days plastering. But before I started taping, spackling, repairs and then the skim coating, I had all the walls primed with an oil-based primer. I teamed up with one of the owners of the company to do the wall repairs. He did the bar area and lounge area while I did the billiards area.
Once the walls were repaired, We sealed them for wallpapering and finished that up this past Thursday.
Note that in the early pictures, all of the brown areas of the walls are where the outside paper of the drywall ripped off with the wallpaper.
We do jobs like this year-round and have years of experience. We know how to remove wallpaper. Scoring, using solutions. We have machines, manpower.  but there are times when one just has to bite the bullet.

Around the fireplace, there had been some serious water damage that required drywall repair and rigid tape for the corners. All of the outside corners needed retaping due to cracking and opening up through the years. The ceilings had plenty of stress cracks at the joints and nail pops. 

 Plainex sanding machine is used to remove all loose drywall and wallpaper/glue residue. 

 Most of the corner beads after being uncovered had to be repaired due to cracking.

Oil-based primer going on. 

 Skim Coating begins

 New Wallpaper installed

Thanks for looking. 

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