Monday, April 30, 2007

New Jersey Is Cool

I like to listen to talk radio on my commutes to and from work and today I heard something that I would say is rather disturbing to me. It seems that with all the goings on in the State of New Jersey the rest of the country and even the world is considering New Jersey as Cool.

Lately in the News we have had some goings on that have attracted the attention of everyone.

Our exalted ruler Governor Corzine whom was a State Senator before he became Governor was recently in a car accident which nearly took his life. The State Trooper SUV he was in while driving to a Don Imus Appointment, driving in a convoy of about 5 other State trooper vehicles, at about 91 MPH got into an accident. The accident occurred about 7pm on a Friday night coming out of Atlantic City during an evening of rather heavy traffic. Governor Corzine in the front passenger seat wasn't wearing a seat belt at the time of the accident.

Ex Gay governor James E McGreevy who resigned because he was a Gay American is going through divorce proceedings. His wife of 10 years claims she never new he was gay until the day he resigned and gave his resignation speech. Now there is a major battle over the child that they had together. Now while this child was being born the X governor who was governor at the time ignored the fact that his wife was giving birth, an extreme difficult birth that, was at the time having a secret rendezvous with a gay lover. The gay lover was an Israeli Citizen that was given a job as the Zar of Homeland Security for the State Of New Jersey by the X Governor.

Who rights this stuff?

US Attorney Chris Christy is Investigating and catching Political figure after political figure in corruption. I don't mean 1 or 2, he has caught about 120 public officials in the last 1 1/2 years.

Governor Corzine, (back to him) is under investigation by the federal Prosecutor for giving about 4 million dollars to a president of a public Union who is a lady friend of his. As the president of her local she gets a salary of about 100g a year. He is paying the tuition for her children that she shipped off to a boarding school in another state. He is paying for a multi million dollar renovation for her home(no Union labor). He bought her a 1.5 million dollar condo near his own, lol. He gave a law school a million dollar donation and a short time later the law school gave this woman a scholarship to attend the school. When the state was working on a budget one of the big items they were working on was to negotiate certain benefits with the public unions. They worked on this for months. The last week of ironing out issues before going to the table The Governor told those working on the budget to back off of the union negotiations because he and he alone was going to the table to do the dealings.

The night the Public communications Union voted and approved the deal The Governor had proposed to them was the night he had his near fatal car accident. That is why he was in Atlantic City.

I don't have HBO and don't watch the Supranos but I'll tell you what, The story lines of that popular TV program can't be hard to come up with.

I have just mentioned a few items here regarding what goes on in NJ. I would not think the rest of the world would see NJ as cool. If the rest of the world sees NJ as cool then I am afraid the world is in sorrier shape than I thought. But again, I am not really sure what can be defined as cool anymore.

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