Wednesday, August 8, 2007

3 Kids Slain In Newark NJ

3 kids where killed last weekend here in Newark New Jersey. They were black kids that had just graduated high school in one of the most disgusting school districts one could imagine and where getting ready to start college. A total of 4 kids were lined up against a wall and the each was shot in the head execution style. One of the kids survived and has been in intensive care all week long and has been able to give cops a little information regarding what happened.

To date about 150.000.00 has been offered as a reward for anyone with any information regarding this crime to come forward. It seems that the good people of Newark are living in such fear of street gangs and the safety of their families that no one will come forward. How ironic. If a police officer looks cross eyed at a black person in Newark all kinds of fuss starts to take place. All the Al Sharptons and Jessi Jacksons come out of the wood work and all the fun starts. Riots start, marches are formed, the Governor steps in, new laws are passed, looting becomes legal for the first few weeks of the incident. Can I get an AMEN, I don't think so. Come on Al, you too Jessi, here are some honorable black people that were just shot gang land style and your big mouths should be there to step up to the plate and help when help is really needed. I think that the two of you should be walking the streets of Newark right now with all your want to be like you's and helping this community out and help the grieving for their loss. I think that the two of you and your kind had better hurry before Bill Cosby shows up first. It's really sad that these young people where murdered and I feel that their deaths should open the eyes of everyone in this country. Street gangs and illegals are taking control of this country and something has got to be done about it... I hope the Civil Rights advocates are real happy with the results of their accomplishments in these past few years.

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