Thursday, July 9, 2009

2009 Garden Update, Blooms and no blossoms

Almost 6"tall


  1. Wow these ARE tall. Nice healthy looking plants. I bet they are just slow to take off. You'll soon have more maters than you know what to do with.

  2. Yummmmmm I smell pizza sauce!

  3. Yes, they are beautiful looking plants, lol. I am just to impatient.

  4. These guys are really doing good. They usually fruit earlier than the bigger varieties. They have been blossoming and fruiting for about the last week and a half.

  5. *Sneaks in and glues yellow flowers all over Mac's tomato plants*...

  6. I had this piece of clip art on a t-shirt I made about 15 years ago. I also grew them one summer,

  7. This Mortgage lifter plant hasn't been trained for growing up and is more of a bush. No blossoms either. Full sun almost 14-15 hours.

  8. When did you seed these and when did you actually set them in the garden?

  9. Many of these herbs will go on the pizza. Thyme,oregano, chives, sage, dill, cilantro, basil, swiss chard.

  10. Looking really nice Mac...I suppose you don't want to know we will be picking the one red mater tomorrow....

  11. agrees with vero, they are looking healthy despite having no blossoms..

  12. So do you can your own tomato/pizza sauce Mac?

  13. Ooooh very pretty, one of my favorite colors...

  14. I planted some chives a couple of years ago in one of my flower gardens, I love their blooms despite being able to eat the herb...

  15. needs a peanut plant...(grin)...

  16. cucumbers and onions... or dill pickles?....decisions, decisions,lol...
    Great garden pics Mac! Everything looks like it's growing gangbusters...

  17. Mine are about the same size.

  18. They do look MUCH better then mine..

  19. Neighbor where we had the block party has some....I'll have to see how they do.

  20. Not with no tomatoes on them they don't. Even one blossom would make me happy.

  21. Yes, I can my own sauce Vic. I prefer it over store brands because even though it's canned it still taste like home grown tomatoes.

  22. Vero, My blog would probably give a date when I seeded them. April something. I can't remember off hand. I started putting them in the ground about 4-6 weeks later. So far this season we have probably only had about 4 days in the 90s. That's really weird for here.

  23. The last plant on the blog I just posted has one cluster of bloom right in the top.

  24. These flowers are really small but look exactly like Morning Glories. They do vine but not to the same extent.

  25. I really like the yellow of these Lillies. They are in real life like the color of butter.

  26. Yes, it's a cool color for a hydrangea. Most grown around here are blue.

  27. I still call these Cow Lillies because they always seemed to grow in ditches in our pastures.

  28. They are called "ground morning glories". I love the color of the flowers. I grew mine from seed when I first started really getting interested in flower gardening.

  29. I love using chives in mashed potatoes with sour cream.

  30. (Try putting sour cream in your cornbread.) I made a big iron skillet full tonight and tried the sour cream for the first time. It was sooooo good. Wish I had some fresh cow butter to go on it.

  31. I really want to grow concord grapes to make jelly with. I grew up on the home made stuff. I have eaten Smuckers through the years but during the past couple of years, the concord grape flavor has been missing.

  32. My pickle cucumbers are in another garden, not getting to much sun and are small but they are also starting to produce a few.

  33. maybe they have put all their energy to growing too tall and have forgotten about flowers and fruit!

  34. I have one similar to this color .It was a lovely baby pink (my favourite color) when planted but now its purple.

  35. really nive little flowers, very pretty

  36. love hydrangeas .............think my garden's a bit small for one but this one looks great, beautiful colour

  37. \is that beetroot right at the front?? that tastes sooooo good straight from the ground

  38. this is a great idea.................loads of herbs all in together, mine are all seperated but this looks good

  39. Hi..............just stopped by to admire your garden, looking gooood :-))

  40. Glenda, I hit them with a super bloom buster last weekend. See what happens.

  41. I actually planted these in an old metal wash tub that had a few holes rusted through the bottom. That is Swiss Chard on the bottom. That's the red from the multi colored. Just goes to show how cool the temps have been here. Swiss Chard is more a cool weather plant like lettuce and cabbage. It's doing really well.

  42. Pretty good growth for a month.

  43. Sure is. Next year you will probably get a small crop of grapes. Just a cluster or two but they will taste soooo good.

  44. I can't think of a better tasting grape than the concord. I also love the smell of them on a dewy morning.

  45. You should order some Tristar strawberry plants when you can get them. They are everbearing . I set out 25 plants early in the spring and I got quite a few berries. Now they are filled with bloom and green berries again. I have had everbearing before but they never produced like these seem to be going to.

  46. MMMM youre making me hungry and its still two months to ripe concord time.

  47. Parks isn't selling anymore this season.

  48. I figured they would be sold out by this time. Most of the places are. I don't know if they sell in the fall or if you will have to wait til spring.. (or I might send you a box of runners) lol I would be happy to do that if you think they would live.

  49. My chocolate cherry tomatoes look interesting. They are round and about the size of a quarter. The plants are tall and leggy like the Juliettes I grew. (Those silly things grew all the way up to the porch ceiling..)

    The choccy ones don't have many in a cluster and the clusters are farther apart, very different from the little sweet 100's.

  50. Could someone s'plain to me why I can't buy concord grapes at the grocery store?

  51. It is a little too early in the season here Suzi. About September you should be able to find them.

  52. You can find tubs of blueberries now though!! YUMMMMM

  53. I was going to say that it may be to early too.

  54. We are a major blue berry growing area here. At the farmers market, all the blue berries are imported. None being sold are local. I don't understand that at all.

  55. Yes that is weird. I bet we are getting the New Jersey ones! LOL

  56. LOL... Jersey Fruit... Glassboro, NJ.

  57. I guess they just don't sell them around here cause I have never seen them in the store...

  58. Vero, I have a new trick for making bread dough I need to share with you. I'll do it in my recipe section when I get the chance.

  59. Noooooo Kneading, sounds weird and that is what I said when I heard of it.

  60. Sue, it may be that to many Kentuckians are using them to make wine.

  61. Sounds good. I HATE kneading bread.
    Errrrrrrr Is Suzi in Kentucky?

  62. My friend Sue just called. lol

  63. Sigh...those just can't trust 'em...

  64. Must be nice to see something that you can spend time canning.

  65. lol this brings back the days when we grew tomatoes in wire cages. Never pinched side sprouts. Just let them grow wild and boy the amount of tomatoes we got......Boy Mac....

  66. i have already pulled up tomato plants and getting ready to put some new ones in for the fall...bell peppers is doing ok as is okra....drought was bad here so i didnt get any peas...gonna redo them for fall....mac you and vero both have beautiful gardens...

  67. Thanks Sherry for the nice compliment I sneaked over here and found. lol
