Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Good Bye Monk.

There are very few TV programs that are very enjoyable anymore. One of my favorites is the program,  Monk. The show is going to have it's final season airing soon and then it's going off the air. It's a show that I have enjoyed watching on Friday nights for years with my youngest daughter and her cat as she has grown up.

The show was based on a quirky detective whose wife was murdered in a car bombing. Monk was deeply in love with his wife and emotionally shut down as a human being. He was a police detective and due to his emotional issues, removed from the force.
While recovering with therapy he became a detective, the best detective, with his former police department on a case by case basis. He had two female side kicks to assist him through the years. Monk was very humorous because he had a fear of every thing. Very phobic. His quirks are what made the show. His character Tony
Shalhoub, from my memory, used to be on another program many years ago called Wings. His act didn't change much but he became very interesting with the role he played as Monk.

Good Bye Monk


  1. I started watching this show a year ago and loved it. I guess we will have the reruns to enjoy. We need more shows like this!

  2. I will so miss monk. I look forward to him so. I hate that they are taking him off.

  3. We have been getting the Monk here too..I have just seen a couple of episodes, because the timing clashes with my chat hour time. Now I'm watching the new series of Everybody loves Raymond..which shows around my bedtime.

  4. We have monk here too but I never watched it...... wished I did ..

  5. Sorry you are losing your favorite show, Mac. I hate when that happens.

  6. i dont own a tv so i miss all the good shows....gonna have to get one...

  7. I totally forgot that he played in wings, I knew I had seen him somewhere before...

  8. Never saw Monk, but I am sure someone will pick it up and you can enjoy the reruns....

  9. I never saw it either, Mac, but with the dawning of all digital tv, I get new stations and have seen it on one of them...I'll have to start watching it...
    My all-time favorite show is The Big Bang Theory...it is the absolute best! Do you ever watch it? I think, with your wonderfully quirky sense of humor you would love it...
