Monday, December 27, 2010

Party at Zee's...Bring lotsa wine.


  1. Has she left yet? (looks around cautiously)...

  2. I don't think Vero is up for another party this soon.

  3. We could drape tinsel on her and use her for a centerpiece....

  4. but vero...ya know every girl likes a little "bling"...your bling just happens to be tinsel,lol..

  5. I was gonna put on my party hat and join you but the sound of all that wine seems a bit scary.

  6. Don't be scared Vero. Your one of the in charge and responsible management peoples.

  7. (nods head)...yes vero is manage-ably responsible...I mean charged and manageable.....Ooops...(giggle)...I mean managed responsibly... or something like that...

    (when was this boxed wine made mac? It was a very good month....hic)...

  8. Yeahhhhhh!! Its about time we had a party at Zees!! I got nibbles and a cake and lots of wine, red and white.... plenty of time to have lots of fun. Its a shame shes not going to be there tho !! LOL

  9. Vic is charged and very irresponsible. Hides all Zee's good lamp shades

  10. I"M STILL HERE..the damn train's departure is rescheduled to 3 am..unearthly hour..running 11 hours day is wasted..those bloody @#$%%%%#$#!!! agitators have uprooted rail tracks on route and trying to derail trains so the express trains are all taking diversion routes and theres mayhem at the station. . I still have 9 hours to I'll join your party..yayyyy...bring on the wine and male strippers..

  11. That's the spirit Zee. See, we will be good house guest while your away and you can be the judge of that before you even leave. Hopefully the strippers and wine won't make you miss your next scheduled train, lol.

    I'm glad your still here because I need help making your piƱata more life like. I didn't want to dig through your bloomer drawers. Look at Vero, some of the blue is finally going away as she warms up, we will have to get her mad to turn her a nice rosier color. Haha, look at Vic, she just yanked that guys thong off so he can't ask for any more dollar bills.

  12. By the way..I just learnt that Vero has 42 children on her Frontierville saying nomore..

  13. Why is everyone now throwing pennies?

  14. Saunters through ...grabs a glass of wine and some nibbles.... goes and sits on the couch watching out for Z...has she gone yet???

  15. Every time Zee tries to leave someone places another roll of pennies in her hand.

  16. Zee has 42 farms (at least) so goodness knows how many youngins she has floating around.

  17. I am hoping so. Hate to see her passed out around here some where after all the wine and pennies she went through. Depression over the train situation had her pretty down.

  18. With that much trouble around, I would have been scared to get on that train.

  19. Better save the pennies in case Zzee is kidnapped and we need to pay ransom..... or we could just buy lots of gumballs... hmmmmm...maybe we should take a vote?

  20. Votes for gumballs. I don't think the strippers will give up the pennies.

  21. I kinda was leaning toward the gumballs too but didn't want to seem too selfish... :))

  22. (Just so you know... anyone who remembers penny gumballs is telling their age.) lol

  23. Swipes Vero's gumball collection for future ransom demands.

  24. Okay now is there anyway we can get those kidnappers to take Vero too? I think she just called me old!

  25. I think she was saying that she had old gumballs Vic. The little gumball machine I have here still takes pennies.

  26. you could break a toofie on those old gumballs mac....

  27. Shhhh, don't let the Zee nappers hear you say that. I've seen some of Zee's pictures of elephant jockeys. They already have a shortage of teeth.

  28. Wonders about Vero's gumballs. I put a couple in my wine and they fizzle like Alka Seltzers.

  29. (Secret formula. I'll never tell)

  30. Ah, I had to get out a microscope to read the ingredient list on one of the prehistoric gumballs. Ingredients, ground skinny green chicken bones, fermented lizard eyeballs processed in olive oil, the hairs of a hell hound with flea eggs, the digestive juices of a vulture, curry powder and 2 ground elephant toe nails. Shaken and not stirred.

    I'm thinking the Zee nappers are definitely going to want the gumballs.

  31. well if that won't get them excited I don't know what will... (snicker)...

  32. I think that since Zee left Vero and Vic as 2 responsible individuals in charge, they are just in cahoots together to get free gumballs and Zee is probably in on it. I already had to replenish the wine after Zee drank the 1st 2 boxes all by her lonesome. If Zee is an Innocent victim in the gumball caper, then how did they tie her up and haul her off on Vic's tricycle.? Vic peddling like crazy, the big wheel spinning, Vero standing on the back dragging squirming Zee by a bloomer?

  33. Me thinks Mac has been in the proverbial eggnog wayyyyy too early.

  34. Ok Jan 2 2011 here (for me anyway) I've had lots of wine and southern comfort over the past few days, a really happy New Year. Seems to me that we should hold off on the gumballs for a bit and see what the kidnappers ask for, ok, goes to have another sip of wine amd a smoke......

  35. If not gumballs then what?....(eyes Vero)....

  36. hmmmm.....moth balls....ya know, come to think of it....when Zzee twirled her 42 petticoats the other day, I did think that I saw some moths fly out....along with a couple emery boards, 4 nail polish bottles, a cell phone, half box of chocolates, 2 books, 49 pennies (yes I counted all of them) 7 banana peels, 3 coffee mugs, a new bag of cheetos, 4 calling birds (or they could have been texting birds, I don't really know my birds) box of kleenex, 6 empty water bottles, cheese grater (no cheese though - scratching head) bib overalls (all that farmtown/ville/life stuff) a half eaten pickle, cold french fries and 2 homeless cabana boys.....

  37. Somebody had better shake Zee some more just to see what else falls out. I'm curious as to what ate the bananas.


  39. ...the moths vero, the moths....remember the whole reason for the mothballs.... but just to be safe we better keep a close eye on the two homeless cabana boys...

  40. Shakes the wine glazed vision from my eyes to clear the fog a bit, those to boyz look a bit familiar. Come to think of it, I haven't seen Gloggy and Setabi for a while........ No, It couldn't be? Could it?

  41. I wouldn't put anything past those two....

  42. Has a home for lost cabana boys....and Mac the boys ate the bananas....they had to sustain themselves some how..goes looking for the cheetos and choccy.....

  43. Sits back, sips wine and watches the bidding for the Cabana Boys, Not sure if it's up to a bag of Cheetos or 2 moth balls.

  44. Spin around again Zee....maybe another cabana boy will come flying out.... (there never seems to be enough cabana boys to go around).

  45. Stuffs 10 Cabana Boys into the piƱata. I hope the thing isn't whacked to hard.

  46. blindfolds Vero and gives her a twirl...okay Vero, go for it!

  47. Grabs my trusty baseball bat and swinggggs!

  48. Me next.......puts a bottle of wine in the freezer, in about 2 hours we can have white wine slushys.....

  49. Oh no, brain freeze.....
    Why is everyone using 4 word sentences here?

  50. Someone needs to take pictures so she can see all the fun we had while she was away. I'd ask Vero to but I think she is searching for her head.

  51. My head is missing but I still have my camera.:D

  52. Hey Mac, remember turduckins? I was watching an outrageous foods show today and saw a cake with a pie baked inside of it. How wack is that!!!!

  53. Thanks for posting Vero, Multiply lost my directions here.

  54. Just how many white wine slushies have you had Mac?

  55. I only had one sip Vic but the brain freeze hit me really hard.

    I gave up on the multiply premium account so they punished me by changing all my pages and navigation tools.

  56. Bummer Mac. Hope you find us all again.

  57. I am gradually getting everything as comments are added to post.

  58. Is it your posts that are missing? I will send out a search party.

  59. Grabs wine and nibbles for search party......ready

  60. (looks under couch cushions)....he's not there....

  61. I sent out the moth ball gumballs and threw in a bonus of the 2 Cabana Boys and the Zeeknappers should be releasing Zee any moment now. If everyone is sober enough to keep their fingers crossed!!

  62. Ack! She's back!....(Runs around vacuuming...stuffs empty wine bottles under the chair and couch cushions, throws the bean dip in the potted palm in the corner. Sweeps Vero under the rug..Shoves Tania and the cabana boys in the closet...Rolls Mac and his shopping cart behind the window curtains and throws a lamp shade on her head and stands perfectly still......Stares nervously at the door and breaks out into a cold sweat)...

  63. Pokes Vic, looks at Vero peeking from under the rug looking for a quick get away, hears way to much giggling coming from the closet. We should throw in some cheese too.

  64. Moves the party to my jail cell.

  65. Wonders if she should bake a cake...with a file in it?....
