Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Shop Talk, A Thing Of The Past?

Shop Talk

Shop Talk part 1-
I had a good day to mow yesterday with my mower, a push mower, 6.5 hp Craftsman. Briggs and Stratton engine. The RPMs all of a sudden shot way up over the recommended 3200 rpms. I checked the spring on the governor, forward and back adjustment doesn't do anything, linkage feels stiff that is going under the governor, Maybe I'll shoot some carb cleaner under there this morning and manually try to loosen it up. RPMs slow down if I manually move that linkage.

Shop Talk part 2-
With all the people I know on Facebook, only one person responded to talk shop?
Damn! I love talking shop. Beats bitching about politics. No wonder the majority of youth today don't know anything about changing their own oil, replacing a thermostat, a starter, a water pump, a battery, clearing clogged plumbing beyond a plunger or drain cleaner, how to hang a paper towel holder.
It's our own fault because we stopped talking shop with one another or our families. With social media, we should see more shop talk of everyday challenges. Not just group shop talks.
It sucks that I no longer have a father or grandfather to turn to for advice. They loved talking shop.

Part 3-. This gets interesting.

So I went out this morning, took the top cover off the mower to access the governor spring and sprayed the linkage.
Shop talk continued.
So I sprayed the linkage with no new results. I did spot a little piece of frayed cotton twine from under the flywheel.
I had my suspicions since a roll of twine I use for gardening has been missing. No, I didn't mow over a roll of twine.
The following pictures confirmed my suspicion.

You may or may not want to zoom in here for the following photos to see the cause of my mechanical issues.

I don't have a tachometer so here's the mower running as I started putting it back together and adjusted the governor. 

See how great Shop Talk can be?

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