Saturday, September 1, 2018

The Rewards Of Gardening and Farming

The Rewards of Gardening and Farming

I am not reaping enough rewards yet for canning, so for now, I will freeze. 
I didn't grow the corn but fortunately, my sister paid me a visit from Up State New York with dozens of ears of sweet corn and at least 50 lbs of potatoes. Not those little potatoes one gets at the grocery store either.

Most potatoes that grocery stores sell around here are just a bit larger than egg size. Maybe an egg and a half, lol. w up picking these potatoes. If I recollect, we called them #2 in size. The Bakers were gargantuan. Big enough to fill a dinner plate. We had fried chicken for dinner last night and my wife cooked up 2 of these potatoes. She added just a touch of cream to mash them and didn't even need that. They were so creamy on their own. 

Corn on the cob is one of my all time favorites and I will honestly say that I have easily eaten a dozen ears myself since last Sunday.

The rest I am freezing.

I'm finally picking real tomatoes. If the Opossums don't get them first. 
Guess which one will very shortly be a Tomato Sammich? 

These are the Juliet Tomatoes. They are a cross between a Grape tomato and a Plum tomato. They are very disease resistant and are a very abundant crop that produce right up to a freeze. 

Or until I have them ready to freeze.

One of my all-time favorite summertime foods has to be stuffed peppers. They get a meat and egg mixture with uncooked Minute Rice and slow cooked in V8 juice. These monsters are just screaming for stuffing. Even the little one. 

The little one is the size of my fist. You can just imagine how large the other 3 are. I think I'll need help eating these and I'm not the type that usually needs the help with much. 

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