Thursday, May 24, 2007

Vic's Knicker Spotting

Happy Memorial Day week end to everyone.

It sure was great to finally reach quiting time at work today. The 95 degree day just seemed to drag on and on.

I was glad for the day to come to an end but wasn't looking forward to the drive home due to the fact that this is Memorial Day week end and the official kick off for summer and Benny season here at the Jersey shore. Bennies here refer to the summer crowds that flock here by the millions to enjoy the beaches and board walks and to congest every road until Labor day.

My ride home from work today was as expected. My normal 1.5 hour commute turned into a 2.5 hour ride due to the number of people heading towards my area for the weekend of fun.

My ride took me home on the NJ Garden State Parkway. Those not familiar with NJ, the Garden State Parkway is a toll road that goes from the Northern tip of the state to the southern. When I say it is a toll road I mean just that. Every 10 miles or so you pay a 35 cent toll. The tolls tend to cause major traffic jambs and congestion but the state highway authority surely loves to make money.

Well I was heading through this one toll plaza in stop and go and stop and go and stop and go and stop and go traffic without an AC in my vehicle with the sweat pouring down my face and feeling extreme displeasure of my journey when I noticed the Toll taker in the cash only lane. He was a big black fellow ( Fat Albert Size big and twice as tall)and what caught my eye was Vic's knickers he was wearing with a Tutu. He wasn't a bashful fellow cause he kept pretending to drop peoples change and kept bending over to pick it up exposing them knickers for all to view. Well I'll tell you what, My jaw just dropped and I just started to bellow out the laughter. It may have been some guffawing but do to the heat I'm not quite sure. But yes, there is a Jersey connection to everything. Vic, if you are out there and happen to read this, I don't think them knickers are going to fit you anymore. You should have left that big snake in them.

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