Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Gunsmoke's Ken Curtis

I am a major fan of an old TV show called Gunsmoke. My favorite character on the show was Ken Curtis, better known as Festus Haggen. I swear that some where in the branches of my family tree we are kin, lol. Any ways, I thought I would share that Ken Curtis was also a pretty good singer. I am sure you that have seen the show can remember a few of his diddies while riding old Ruth.
Ken Curtis had actually been in a pretty good group called the "Sons Of Pioneers". Here is a little sample of his talent,


  1. I am just speechless, Mac. Sons of the Pioneers is one of my favorite groups. I carry a cd in my car all the time. I had no idea that Festus was one of the singers. I guess I just never really noticed the individual names of the members of the group. Thank you so much for posting this.

  2. WOW I knew something Vero didn't!!!!!!!

  3. I had no idea he was a singer....but I am gonna just claim I am so young, he was just way before my time,lol,lol...

  4. I grew up watching Gunsmoke and never knew Festus could sing. I'm going to look and see if I can find some of his songs on a CD and get it for our car.

  5. My favorite song is Cool Water. I didn't know Festus was a member so I thank you for sharing this video and info. Man the whole time I was looking at the video/Festus...I couldn't imagine him having such a beautiful voice coming from that mouth...lol

  6. LOL Misty that's exactly what I said. (Have you ever heard "Room Full of Roses", Misty.) He sang that too.

  7. aw I love cool water too and I remember gunsmoke as well!!! I didn't know that Ken was a singer in the Pioneers though.
