Friday, December 26, 2008

The Christmas Gift

No, not nail clippings, Lol.

I thought things were going to be kind of bleak this year due to me being laid off back in November.  There definetly would not be 2 brand spanking new cars in the driveway Christmas morning. That would never happen any way but I have to poke fun of that stupid commercial on the TV. My employer called on Christmas Eve and we met, He had a 16 lb smoked boneless ham for me and a bonus that was totally unexpected and the best news ever that work will be coming up in about 3 weeks.

My wife and I finished our Christmas Shopping Christmas Eve afternoon.

My wife wanted to get me a gift, Something I have wanted for years. We started in one store where we knew the item should be but it turned out that it could only be had through ordering it. We decided to go to the dreaded Mall. We started at Sears. The gift was an attachment for a Kitchen Aid and Sears does sell them. Again no luck. We had to start going to each Department type store in the mall to search for the thing. I was ready to leave after Sears but my wife insisted we keep trying.I hate the mall because I can't stand being in crowds of people and the smell knock the air out of my lungs. The perfumes and the candle shops are just to much. I like candles but not every scent at one time. I would rather be exposed to the CS gas they made me breath in the Army than have to endure the scents in a mall

My wife took me through each department store for the attachment. We went in order to Sears, Macys and then to JC Pennys. Each store sold Kitchen Aids but none had the attachment we were looking for.

I thought we were done when we left JC pennys but as we exited the store my wife pointed to a Boskovs. I had never neven heard of the place. We went up the escalator to the kitchen appliances, over to the kitchen Aids and there it was, one box left. The gift was mine and the cost was about 20.00 less than any of the other stores wanted and it didn't have to be ordered. As a bonus, I also got a bench scraper for working with bread and pastry doughs. Mine went missing a few years ago and not one store we have gone into since has sold them.

I am very happy with my gifts. Oh, what was the gift? Did I forget to mention that? I did say it was an attachment for a Kitchen Aid.

I have always made homemade pasta by hand. I do have a hand crank roller that I use. actually a pasta roller with 2 cutters. 1 cutter for spaghetti noodles and one for fettuccine noodles. I  used the pasta roller on Christmas Eve night to make homemade lasagna noodles. What a difference time wise to make homemade pasta and I didn't have a flour mess from one end of the kitchen to the other.


  1. Glad you had a good Christmas, Mac, and YAY! on work starting up soon!

  2. Huggs Mac and I'm happy for you. Now how about a big pot of chicken n gravy n noodles. (I'll bring a big fat hen)

  3. That sounds so good Vero. I have bread rising now and it will go along great with that.

  4. We had lasagna for Christmas dinner Mac !!!! Next time I'll wait for you to send the noodles !!!

  5. Sigh...when I die, I want to come back as one of Mac's kids...

  6. What in the world possessed you to have lasagna on Christmas?? lol congrats on your new toy!!

  7. It was on Christmas eve that I made the lasagna Akey. Besides, having it on Christmas would be way better than that 7 fish dealeo that some people have, lol.

  8. What's wrong with lasagna on Christmas????

  9. I am so glad you had a great time. I bet the Italians have lasagna on Christmas too.

  10. Lasagne sounds good right now. (I guess its too late to hope there is some chicken and noodles left) waaaaaa.

  11. Ewwwww one fish is bad enough ... but .... SEVEN!!! ...AAAAAKKKKKK!

  12. I'm so happy you got a bonus and found out you will be going back to work. Yummy on the lasagna and being the noodles were home made just makes it much better than store bought. I'm glad you did get the attachment finally. I know it's a pain to go shopping but sometimes it pays off to go that extra step.

  13. Oh boy Mac sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas and received exactly what you wanted. You must have been good after

  14. wow a man that builds and cooks and sounds like he cleans up afterhimself , where do you buy one of them. lol

  15. Glad you got what you wanted for Christmas, I vote for lasagna for Christmas too....something kinda spicey sounds good than another turkey....

  16. What wonderful new Mac...glad you are getting to go back to work and glad you found the perfect gift you were wanting! Your Lasagna would be wonderful any time! I am not a turkey fan at all lollol
