Saturday, December 27, 2008

Road Trip

I'm going to take a road trip down to North Carolina to do a bathroom for my In Laws in the home they bought down there. We can use the money and I need the work.
I went onto Craigs List to find a cap for the back of my pick up. One of the draw backs of having a pick up is weather conditions and the cargo. I don't need to pull into a rest stop, come out and find all my tools are missing. I found one. It's green and I have mounted it already to my red truck, lol. I'll paint it when the weather warms up.
I will be taking my 13 year old daughter down with me and I must say, she is a whole lot more excited about the trip than I am. Maybe she will get a few extra days off from school.
Hopefully I can get most of the work done in the up coming week. I'll leave the painting for my father In Law. I'll have to hope everything works out well with the plumber and electrician. They are suppose to have the rough done already but the In Laws told me that they don't even have any walls up in the attic where they want the bathroom to be. Ahhhhh, the suspense.


  1. Have a safe trip Mac......hope it all goes well.

  2. Don't stay away too long Mac. You will be missed. Have a fun trip and wave as you go by West Virginia. What route do you take south?

  3. I 95 Vero. I merge onto some other Interstate once I get into NC to go towards Greenville.

  4. Ahh so you just brush by the eastern most part of WV. (Guess I had better stand up on the roof so you can see me wave) LOL

  5. Have a safe trip Mac. Guess you won't be home for the new year to arrive so I'm going to wish you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR right now.

  6. Good luck Mac, hope you have a safe trip! Happy New Year in advance, and good luck with the inlaws lol

  7. I hope everything works out for you and it won't be such a huge job you might think. Crossing fingers and toes. Have a safe journey and enjoy your time away.

  8. Safe journeys Mac Hope it works out well.!

  9. Hope all goes well on the trip and with the remodel...

  10. Dixie waving hello from SC to Mac in NC ...hope you have a safe and good trip !
