Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Goat Burger

Seems someone may be interested in the recipe for the FarmTown Goat Burger.

1- Swipe a goat from a neighbors farm. It isn't a hard thing to do if you preoccupy them by hiring them to harvest a mango tree.

2-Take the goat with you to the market place in invisible mode and watch for the appropriate named worker to show up looking for a job. Anyone with a name like "Goat Whacker", "Ground Round Jim", "Blood And Gore Jane" or "Meat gyrator" probably aren't at the market place looking to really harvest or plow. They probably have something set up in their basements and for a few coins, can save you from the troubles of putting "Billy Goat" into a meat grinder yourself.

3-Take your Hefty bag filled with ground "Billy" home and place it in the sink, poke a few holes in it to let it drain for 30 minutes as recommended by the possible serial killer you just paid 5 coins to for butchering the poor goat.


Place about 5lbs of fresh ground "Billy" in a large bowl. Add 1 1/2 tsp of garlics powder, ! tablespoon of salt, 1 tsp of fresh cracked pepper, 1 large minced  onion, 2 tablespoons of ground horseradish. Mix the seasonings into the ground meat very well. Next combine 1/4 cup of olive oil with 1/4 cup of A-1 Steak Sauce. Whisk together really well and then stir mixture into the meat. Refrigerate for at least an hour.

Fire up your Farm Town BBQ. You want the grill nice and hot. Make sure you send out an invite to all your friends.

Shape the burger mixture into about 20 "Billy" Goat Patties. Place on hot grill. Turn burgers after about 3 minutes and then brush the cooked side with more A-1 Sauce. After 3 minutes flip again and brush the top with more sauce.

Ask everyone if anyone wants cheese on their burger.........



  1. I'm gonna need cheese, lots of extra cheese....um, maybe you better just make mine grilled cheese w/o the goat,lol....

  2. He remains silent through all our going ons..and then thrusts a very relevant blog..with a ''recipe'' too. I went and sold my goats at the market place before anymore gost thieves jump over my fence. I know his strategy..he sends me horses and donkeys as gifts..I feed them and fatten them..then he has eyes on them.
    Honestly..goat meat tastes good as its very lean and odourless.

  3. Good Lord... I'll need >Whine <..cause that will make me turn into a bawl bag...lolol.poor goat .. and crackers to go w/ the cheese and a little "real" butter...to kill the taste..

  4. Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!
    The goat that you stole was NOT named Billy...SHE was named Libby, and I had had her since I was about 7 years old...she wandered this property, unfettered, for close to 20 years...
    Always greeted company...
    Always looking for head scratches or a treat...
    She was an absolute sweetheart.
    I loved her.
    You ate her.
    I can't believe it...

  5. i think i puked a little that mad me laugh so hard you sick sick man ug lol ug

  6. Hey! You didn't see ME say, 'just a silly cow' when he stole yours!

  7. Cyber critters.....shakes head and walks away.......

  8. Well I didn't know that !! ...........Mac is a rustler!!!

  9. Glenda you just don't knowwww! He sneaks in from those gaps in between the fences and drags the cows and goats away..

  10. I think we may have to organize a posse...cattle/goat rustlin' is illegal in these here parts...

  11. Cow is much better. Not enough fat in goat to make a tender, juicy burger. I'm paying Zee's farm a visit.

  12. Well I went to facebook on daughter's sight lookin for this here farm game and didn't find diddley.

  13. Mac... can you imagine eating an "odourless" burger?

  14. Look down at the bottom in the tool bar under "applications" Misty. (It's on the far left of the tool bar)

  15. Those are your applications Vero.
    Every person's Facebook home page has their own applications on their toolbar.

  16. Those are your applications Vero. Each facebook user has their own applications in that toolbar.

  17. I wondered where my cow went ! I couldn't find her anywhere !! I'm off to check out Macs place now!!.......mumble mumble mumble rustlers rustlers mumble mumble......

  18. No, Mac if you click the word "applications" it brings up a list of all of them. At least it does on my site.

  19. Somebody needs a horny male goat then let's see you steal it. lol Goat burger's just don't sound too good to me.
