Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Back To Work

Finally, after almost 9 months I'm back to work.I wasn't getting my hopes up after being told I was being called back but seeings as how this has been day 2.... I am back to work.

These past 2 days of working in the direct sun, no shade, with the sun reflecting off white concrete block walls hasn't been fun though. It has completely drained 9 months of stored up energy. I probably downed 2 gallons of water yesterday alone and it didn't even phase the heat. I literally felt like I was ready to pass out by 9:00 yesterday morning and the day was just starting.

The good thing about the heat was coming home tonight and finding 5 ripe tomatoes and to be sitting here right now dripping the juices of my first tomato sandwich of the year all over my keyboard. It was worth the wait. You southerners are lucky to be ahead of my growing season but I'll tell you what, there is nothing like a Jersey Tomato. Specially the one I just finished off.


  1. LOL Mac, glad you're back to work and enjoying your maters!!

  2. You take it easy in the heat Mac, it's easy to get sun stroke or heat exhaustion...Yippee about getting back to work and the tomatoes!...

  3. I was just gonna leave you a note this evening asking if you were working. I hate that you have to be so miserable but am glad that you got to go back. I'm sure it's a great relief on you.
    Yayyyyyy about the tomato sammich!

  4. Congrats on getting back to work. Boy sandwich sounds delicious.

  5. good for you. And give me a bite of that tomato. Yummm Stay safe out there

  6. Let me toss my two cents worth in...Yay! on going back to work! Congrats, Mac! Now gimmie that take care of yourself...Hugs...

  7. I'm so glad that you finally got to taste your tomatoes Mac!. Congrats on going back to work .

  8. I would love to see a photo of yr matoes mac!

  9. So which tomato variety is finally producing for you?

  10. glad you are working again and enjoying sweating ! now about that joisey 'mater, im ready to compare my north bama maters to yers any day fer bring the mayo if thats what ya like !
    welcome back to hardworking America! be safe.

  11. glad ya got work again mac itsbad here in uk for work but as ya said the best thing was ya first mater sanny

  12. 9 months off work? WOW it must be really hard on you having to go back now. Our mater's are green and I don't think they will ever ripen. lol

  13. It's great you're working again, Mac. Sorry about the heat, though. We've got the heat and humidity in Northern Virginia, too. I wouldn't mind one of those tomatoes!
