Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Entry for August 31, 2006

I went to work for a company and started this Wedensday. Seems like a good crew that I will be working with. We are building a mansion in the central part of the state on a beautiful piece of land with an excellent view of a lake. The homeowner is the designer and he is going top of the line everything. The exterior walls of the home will be all 8" ICF. (Masonary walls with insulated forms that stay in place). As the construction takes place I hope to get some decent pictures to post. Not much to post yet due to the fact that we have just started the footings.  The home should look interesting due to all the design features. This guy used his french curve alot on the exterior walls and he loved angles.

This should be an interesting project because the forms to build this home are new to this state. I'll be the first Union Carpenter to use them and to get certified by the manufacturer here. The Union wants to send in film crews and maybe I'll get my 15 minutes of fame, lol. They will have to get someone else though to do the promo  cause I'm not the spot light type.

I am sorry that I do not have anything to contribute to the romance week thing. All I can say is men have one way of thinking and women another. Most women these days want a man that is more like a girl friend. Women don't seem to have relationships with one another that they did in the past. Women have always been there for one another but due to the busy lifestyles of today even women don't have the time for one another.

Men are like the caveman. We have not evolved like women. We do not think about certain things on the same scale as women do. Working hard to provide  an income to support the family I think  is our way of showing our love and commitment. We buy the gifts, candy and flowers when we have the means to. If we do not have the means to, it does not mean we do not care. We fix what needs fixing when we get around to it. Some of us also cook and clean because it needs doing.  We are like well trained dogs that don't leave piles of crap or urine on the kitchen floor for someone to stumble into as they go to make that first pot of coffee. ( atleast I hope some men don't) 

I am not a romantic. I am not a character out of a frilly artsy fartsy Romance novel. I love my wife more than life itself, and also my children. I have spent my adult life doing my best to full fill their needs and I will go to my grave continuing to do so. I regret the fact that I can't  do more but with my limited education, I do what God has given me the ability to do. After working a 14 hour day I expect my wife to know that when I come home from work I am not trying to be un romantic, I am just exhausted and can't get the soreness and rigamortis outta my bones to go out and do things like normal people do. Lol, maybe thats why I got her a computer about 10 years ago.


Friday, August 18, 2006

Same Ole Crap

Well I told everyone in my last blog about going back to work through the Carpenters Union. I might as well give you the story about the first week back.

First I have to say that before I left the Union I worked for a company and was a Supervisor of 40 to 60 men.  The Company was owned by 2 young guys that had the good fortune to have some money to invest. Eventually these 2 owners begain getting gready with all the money coming in and started to disagree with each other over how to do business. They had a falling out and decided to have a divorce. The problem with having a divorce is that all of the contracts that they had signed through the company needed to be honnored before they could go their seperate ways. As the Supervisor of the company I was the one that had to bring those jobs to a close with a very limited number of men. It was a rough period of time due to the fact that the 2 owners of the company were not speaking to one another and that what ever money that was coming in went to whomever could get their hands on it first. Paychecks for all of the employees could not be cashed because there was never enough money in the companies account. The whole crew would  take their checks directly to the bank that the check was written on right after work and the cashiers would see us coming and run to the door before we walked in and tell us that the checks were no good. It became very comical.

Well after the contracts were all completed I learned that the company owed over $130,000.00 to the union for all of the empoyees medical isurance benifits ect. Seemed to me that the business agent for the union was really doing his job for  the members. The union has no problem demanding dues from the members but sure won't get off their butts to make sure that the members are being represented when they are on the job. It just doesn't seem right to me.

After all of the above and being also upset with the union I decided that I had had enough and needed a break from the union and that is why I accepted going to work with a so called friend that I have known with the union for about 8 years. I still payed my dues and kept myself in good standing with the union.

After the final inspections of our last job my partner went to the homeowners and picked up the final check. I have not seen him since. He owed me 4 weeks of salary. I learned from the homeowners that he had talked them into writing the check out to him instead of to the company. I also learned that they had done this with most of the payments, some very substantial amounts. When I finally did get a call  from this guy he told me that he had bankrupted the company. He had signed whatever with the lawyers and everything was going through. Luckily I am not going to be affected by this because I never signed my name to anything. I as a partner only listed myself with the company as a project manager.

Ok, now back to the union. I called the union business agent and told him that I was looking for work. Within the hour 1 of the 2 young guys that I had worked for gave me a call. He was all excited and talked with me for almost an hour telling me how he needed me. He had all of these jobs going on and about 50 men working for him and so on and so on. I called the business agent back up and directly asked him if this guy had straightend up his act and had straightened out the situation that he had created with the union and the business agent told me that "yes, he has straightend everything out and is doing everything properly through the union".

Well back to work I went and not feeling good about it for one minute. I arrived my first day after a 1 1/2 hour commute. I was handed a set of plans and give 2 apprentices and off I went. The job was a 2 story addition with also a kitchen addition. The second day I was only given 1 apprentice. Last saturday I was asked if I would come in because there was a comercial job that would need to be worked on to get ready for trusses. I worked a 10 hour day with several other guys putting the second story on the building. I was informed durring this days work that for saturdays, cash would be paid. I thought this odd for an employer that was on the up and up. I also saw it odd because atleast 3 other guys working with me that day were executives officers of the union hall.

On monday and tuesday I worked back on the addition with the one apprentice again. Wedensday back to the comercial site and with 8 guys we worked till 10:00 pm installing 300 trusses with a crane.

Thursday and friday back to the addition. I forgot to say that all week I have been requesting to have a sit down with the owner of the company and felt that he is avoiding it. Friday the addition is framed to the point that only a few rafters need to go up over the kitchen addition. About 3:00 paychecks arrive. I open mine and see first off that I have been paid 8.00 and hour under my rate and that no over time is included. I call the office and no answer. Leaving I get the feeling that a stop at the bank that the check was drawn on would be a good idea. So that's what I did. I walked into the bank, presented the check and was told that there was not enough funds in the account to cash the check.  I walked out of the bank and called and called the office. Finally the phone was answered and the secretary, the owners wife who use to be a stripper that he devorced his wife to marry tells me that I should take the check to a check cashing place to cash it. I could not believe what I was hearing. How can a company that has so many employees tell someone that.

I was furious. I left atleast 10 messages on the owners phone for him to call me. He finally does around 6pm. He told me that I should have gone to some certain branch of the bank in some town that he deals directly with and I cut him off. I told him that didn't cut it. The bank said that there wasn't enough money in the account period. I asked about my rate and was told that he and the business agent had worked out some kind of deal and that he didn't have to pay me my rate for one month. I don't know what that is about but I will deal with that come monday. I asked about the over time and was told that I would be paid my over time as cash at the end of the month for straight time. I told him that no I wouldn't. I told him that the way he did business was not going to work out between us under these conditions and that I would be in the office on Monday to pick up whats owed to me.  By law here any work over an 8 hour day is time and a half and over 40 hours is time and a half.

So, If you have read all this you can see that I have had a great week. The topper of it all is that the 15 hour day I put in on wedensday left me with more dang blisters on my feet than that I recieved on a fifty mile forced march in the army loaded with full gear. With the gas prices I spent over 150.00 in fuel for the week. I haven't brought 1 penny in income into my home in well over a month so I am in a great mood.


Sunday, August 13, 2006

One Step Backwards

I haven't really talked about it but recently due to problems with some shady dealings of my so called partner I decided to leave the company. I have been in the construction industry for 30 years now and have a personal reputation that means everything to me and I will not stand for one second, someone, anyone doing something to tarnish that reputation.

As a Union Carpenter,  before teaming up with my good buddy so called partner I worked for an outfit and supervised nearly 40 men and ran about 6  construction projects. Long hours, major driving amd plenty of  head aches. Here I am today back working for that same company again. The owner of the company is a youngster. The second he saw me pull up to the office my first day back he was acting as if he were my best friend. Well, I guess I will wait for payday to roll around and see where I stand, lol.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Thanks For The Tag Vero

 1.Grab the nearest book. 

2. Open the book to page 123.

3. Find the fifth sentence.

4. Post the text of the sentence on your Blog (Please include the book and author) along with these instructions.

5. No digging about for the "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! (I know you were thinking about it!) Just pick up whatever is closest.

Ok, this was another tag, getting tired of being a sport. Nearest book would be the phone book but this one was on the shelf under it.

Come Let Us Adore Him By Thomas Kinkade. Oops, only 110 pages. Should I just  go with the phone book?

Ok heres my Burpee Burpee gardening, Seeds*Plants*Supples 2006. Hmmm auther, only see where author should be it says FREE GIFT see page 2. Woooo Hoooo, 128 pages. I am in luck. Ok, page 123, 5th sentence- They are easy to use and permit bottom watering.

Monday, August 7, 2006

Bessie The Cow


I had to post this picture for a couple of reasons. One is because I have always been a big Gary Larson fan and I am sure this picture would have really fit in with some of his work.

The other reason is that this picture really shows where society is heading. I can't tell you how many parents I have had tell me that they have to allow their kids the freedom to express themselves.  Growing up as a child I always felt that to express myself was to work hard and to earn the respect of my elders. What ever happend to that way of thinking with the youth of today? Kids today could care less in my opinion of working hard to advance themselves. They want and think that everything should be handed to them as if they are entitled to it. Seems that that is the attitude taken by almost everyone I come in contact with these days.

I don't think that the adults raising children today know how to raise children or really want to accept the responsability. Children are being raised by outsiders , mainly public school teachers.  Someday people are going to smarten up and stand back and look and see what type of people are public school teachers.  I believe that almost every Liberal organization there is, is operated or funded by Teacher Unions. God is being attacked from every direction by the Teachers unions. Education funding is controlled by teachers unions. Gay and Lesbian organizations have very high school teacher member participants and funders. Our kids are being drugged due to recomendations of the school teachers. I could go on and on but this blog was about that silly cow.

I guess to sum this up I guess I would have to say that the next time I go out and see some kid behind a counter  with the rings in their face I will think about Bessie. Yup, she is just being herself. Makes me wonder who did the pearcings for her.