Monday, August 7, 2006

Bessie The Cow


I had to post this picture for a couple of reasons. One is because I have always been a big Gary Larson fan and I am sure this picture would have really fit in with some of his work.

The other reason is that this picture really shows where society is heading. I can't tell you how many parents I have had tell me that they have to allow their kids the freedom to express themselves.  Growing up as a child I always felt that to express myself was to work hard and to earn the respect of my elders. What ever happend to that way of thinking with the youth of today? Kids today could care less in my opinion of working hard to advance themselves. They want and think that everything should be handed to them as if they are entitled to it. Seems that that is the attitude taken by almost everyone I come in contact with these days.

I don't think that the adults raising children today know how to raise children or really want to accept the responsability. Children are being raised by outsiders , mainly public school teachers.  Someday people are going to smarten up and stand back and look and see what type of people are public school teachers.  I believe that almost every Liberal organization there is, is operated or funded by Teacher Unions. God is being attacked from every direction by the Teachers unions. Education funding is controlled by teachers unions. Gay and Lesbian organizations have very high school teacher member participants and funders. Our kids are being drugged due to recomendations of the school teachers. I could go on and on but this blog was about that silly cow.

I guess to sum this up I guess I would have to say that the next time I go out and see some kid behind a counter  with the rings in their face I will think about Bessie. Yup, she is just being herself. Makes me wonder who did the pearcings for her.

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