Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Entry for August 31, 2006

I went to work for a company and started this Wedensday. Seems like a good crew that I will be working with. We are building a mansion in the central part of the state on a beautiful piece of land with an excellent view of a lake. The homeowner is the designer and he is going top of the line everything. The exterior walls of the home will be all 8" ICF. (Masonary walls with insulated forms that stay in place). As the construction takes place I hope to get some decent pictures to post. Not much to post yet due to the fact that we have just started the footings.  The home should look interesting due to all the design features. This guy used his french curve alot on the exterior walls and he loved angles.

This should be an interesting project because the forms to build this home are new to this state. I'll be the first Union Carpenter to use them and to get certified by the manufacturer here. The Union wants to send in film crews and maybe I'll get my 15 minutes of fame, lol. They will have to get someone else though to do the promo  cause I'm not the spot light type.

I am sorry that I do not have anything to contribute to the romance week thing. All I can say is men have one way of thinking and women another. Most women these days want a man that is more like a girl friend. Women don't seem to have relationships with one another that they did in the past. Women have always been there for one another but due to the busy lifestyles of today even women don't have the time for one another.

Men are like the caveman. We have not evolved like women. We do not think about certain things on the same scale as women do. Working hard to provide  an income to support the family I think  is our way of showing our love and commitment. We buy the gifts, candy and flowers when we have the means to. If we do not have the means to, it does not mean we do not care. We fix what needs fixing when we get around to it. Some of us also cook and clean because it needs doing.  We are like well trained dogs that don't leave piles of crap or urine on the kitchen floor for someone to stumble into as they go to make that first pot of coffee. ( atleast I hope some men don't) 

I am not a romantic. I am not a character out of a frilly artsy fartsy Romance novel. I love my wife more than life itself, and also my children. I have spent my adult life doing my best to full fill their needs and I will go to my grave continuing to do so. I regret the fact that I can't  do more but with my limited education, I do what God has given me the ability to do. After working a 14 hour day I expect my wife to know that when I come home from work I am not trying to be un romantic, I am just exhausted and can't get the soreness and rigamortis outta my bones to go out and do things like normal people do. Lol, maybe thats why I got her a computer about 10 years ago.


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