Friday, August 11, 2006

Thanks For The Tag Vero

 1.Grab the nearest book. 

2. Open the book to page 123.

3. Find the fifth sentence.

4. Post the text of the sentence on your Blog (Please include the book and author) along with these instructions.

5. No digging about for the "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! (I know you were thinking about it!) Just pick up whatever is closest.

Ok, this was another tag, getting tired of being a sport. Nearest book would be the phone book but this one was on the shelf under it.

Come Let Us Adore Him By Thomas Kinkade. Oops, only 110 pages. Should I just  go with the phone book?

Ok heres my Burpee Burpee gardening, Seeds*Plants*Supples 2006. Hmmm auther, only see where author should be it says FREE GIFT see page 2. Woooo Hoooo, 128 pages. I am in luck. Ok, page 123, 5th sentence- They are easy to use and permit bottom watering.

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