Friday, June 8, 2007

Can You Smell The Fish Cooking

I'm not a big fish eater but after reading Cyn's blog on small mouth I have the extreme urge to get away to UpState NY ahead for the mountain streams and do some fishing. I love small mouth fishing too and while out doing my thing I absolutely love to cook the few I don't release over the campfire. Well, it's more like in the coals of a campfire.

My grandmother use to actually go fishing and camping with me as a child. She loved the outdoors. She taught me the method of preparing the best tasting small mouth ever.

The nice thing about UpState NY is the abundance of gray clay that can be found almost anywhere on the banks of streams and creeks. Another good thing is the amount of wild onions that can be found everywhere.

After cleaning the small mouth the cavity is filled with the wild onions and then the fish is coated in the clay and then placed in coals to cook for about 15 to 20 minutes. After it is removed from the coals the clay is removed. The skin comes off with the clay and you have an excellent tasting small mouth as the reward. The onions add excellent flavor. I think what makes this taste so good is that the fish and onions steam together in the clay shell. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

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