Saturday, June 30, 2007

In Response To Canned Biscuit Dough

This is an oldie from back in the late 80's or early 90's.

A lady named Linda went to Arkansas to visit her in-laws, and while there, went to a store. She parked next to a car with a woman sitting in it, her eyes closed and hands behind her head, apparently sleeping. When Linda came out a while later, she again saw the woman, her hands still behind her head but with her eyes open. The woman looked very strange, so Linda tapped on the window and said "Are you okay?"

The woman answered "I've been shot in the head, and I am holding my brains in."

Linda didn't know what to do, so she ran into the store, where store officials called the paramedics. They had to break into the car because the door was locked. When they got in, they found that the woman had bread dough on the back of her head and in her hands.

A Pillsbury biscuit canister had exploded, apparently from the heat in the car, making a loud explosion like that of a gunshot, and hit her in the head. When she reached back to find what it was, she felt the dough and thought it was her brains. She passed out from fright at first, then attempted to hold her brains in.

Now I am a Myth Buster Fan and the Myth Buster team actually find stories like this and test them to see if things can go down the way the story tells it.

They found that yes, if the car windows are rolled up on a hot day and the heat gets up to around 150 degrees the cans will start exploding. The myth above may be true.

For those of you that live in fear of those popping fresh cans, no names here Theresa, the Pillsbury Dough Boy heard you and the thousands if not millions of others out there and has come out with the dough in a plastic wrapper, lol.

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