Monday, June 4, 2007

Stuffed Jumbo Shells

Ok, I have been slacking on something new lately so tonight I had to fire up the mind and get something cooking. I made stuffed Jumbo Shells tonight. A slightly different twist. The jumbo shells I refer to are a type of pasta and not something a sea creature crawls out of, just for inquiring minds, lol.

I pre-cooked my shells following the directions. Pasta Barrilla shells of course.

Instead of using the ricotta filling I went for something just a tad bit different and it will probably cause an eye roll or two from the Italian community.

For the filling I ground up a half a stick of pepperoni, added about a half pound of ground beef, 1/2 lb of shredded mozzarella, 2 eggs and about a 1/2 cup of bread crumbs. Some onion and the essential Italian spices. You know, garlic, oregano, basil and some salt and pepper and a zing more of crushed red pepper flakes.

I filled the shells and place them in a baking dish coated on the bottom with olive oil. I cheated since I worked all day and dumped a jar of sauce over the top with a can of diced tomatoes. I then sprinkled some more spices over the top and then topped with another 1/2 pound of mozzarella cheese. I am baking it now at 375 degrees for 45 minutes covered and then another 15 minutes uncovered to brown the cheese some.

Total prep time, about 30 minutes. I'll tell you what, it sure smells good baking. As far as using that jarred sauce goes, Lets keep that amongst ourselves.

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