Thursday, September 27, 2007

Ironic Chef #12, Apples

This Ironic Chef Blog was inspired by My friend Judy E. Ironic Chef #12, Let us use some Apples.

I grew up with apple orchards surrounding our house as a kid and apples were a big part of my families diet. We ate apples every way conceivable. I never grew tired of apples and I am sure there are millions of recipes everyone can share using apples as a main ingredient.

My first recipe will be of an apple pie with the addition of rhubarb. Those that really know me know that I enjoy almost anything tart or sour. Not sour milk sillies. Citric sour to make myself more clear, lol. I like the addition of rhubarb to an apple pie to kick up the tartness.


I am terrible at making pie crust so I get the ones that are pre made.

Pie crust for a 2 crust pie

4 cups of Cortland Apples or MACintosh apples or your favorite tart apples like Granny Smiths peeled, cored and sliced.

4 stalks of rhubarb, sliced into 1" chunks

1 tablespoon of corn starch

1 cup of sugar

1/2 cups of light brown sugar

1/2 stick of butter cut into small cubes

A good shake of cinnamon or 2 and also a good splash of lemon juice and a good pinch of salt.


Preheat the oven to 375. In a large mixing bowl combine the sugars, cornstarch and lemon juice and mix well. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well making sure to get all the apples coated. I like to taste at this point for tartness and for enough cinnamon. If I want more tartness I add a bit more lemon juice . Cinnamon doesn't need explaining. I just don't want it to over power the taste of the apples.

I place a pie crust into the pie tin and then fill it with the apple mixture. I dampen the outer edge of the lower crust with a bit of water and place the other crust over it. I do my best to get it into place with out making a mess of things and ripping the crust but since it's premade I do pretty good. I then seal the 2 crust together and cut off the excess dough. I cut a few vent holes into the top crust and then brush it with a little milk and then sprinkle some sugar over it.

I like to put some foil around the out side of the crust cause I bake it for pretty close to an hour. I hate dark brown edges on my pies. That bitter taste is terrible. Sour and tart is what I am after. I like to put a sheet pan under the pie too cause if the dripping get on the bottom of the oven I'm the one that has to clean it.

I know some like hot apple pie with maybe some vanilla ice cream but I like mine cold. The colder the better. If I can bake my pie the night before I will. I used rhubarb with this recipe but I like to vary what I add. I also like strawberries with the apples or an apple,strawberry rhubarb pie. Thats the best. Apple raspberry is excellent too. I just try to keep the amount of fruit the same so as not to overfill the crust. Of course a little extra is a nice snack.

I hope someone finds this pie as enjoyable as I do. Now lets share some apple recipes.
Thanks, Mac

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Happy Birthday Vickles

Happy Birthday Vic.

I just don't think I could live with myself if I didn't attempt to entice you with a special birthday cake. I know you loooove chocolate so I searched high and low for something special.

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By maciii

Monday, September 24, 2007

Crowning Around

The Mansion that we are building is at the point where plumbing, electrical and the mechanicals are being installed. One of the owners of my company had the bright idea of going into the kitchen business. There seems to be good money in kitchens around here and contractors can charge any wheres from 30 to 60 thousand for an average kitchen. Most cabinet companies including places like the Home Depot and Lowes are pushing high end cabinets that are made like garbage. I have been in the business for 30 years now and the cost of cabinets just amaze me and boy do people love them and the prices.

I was told I had a kitchen job coming up and I went to the job yesterday. It seems the owner of the company wanted to get a head start on the job and had already set a few of the cabinets towards the end of last week. He was also the one that designed the layout. He did not do a very good job, lol. He never worked into his dimensions the sizes of the Lazy Susans and such and for instance the kitchen sink base was probably off center of the kitchen window almost six inches. All I heard from him for almost 2 hours was what if we did this or what if we did that. Eventually I got tired of hearing it and removed the cabinets he installed and re installed what I could and gave him an order for 2 new cabinets that should have been ordered before the job was started. He kept telling me all day how he had gone over the cabinet layout at least 10 times to make sure everything would work out. Thats funny for I know that all you have to do is take a few basic measurements and head for the Home Depot. They will give you a cabinet layout for free.

By the close of business yesterday I had most of the cabinets and panels installed and went back by myself today. I didn't want anyone in my way. I enjoy doing crown molding and that is what my day consisted of. I had to build panels over the cabinets with a beaded edge that hung over the top of the cabinet and under the panel. I then install the crown molding over the panels. The panels are a modern version of a soffit. None of the lines at the top of the cabinets run from one end to the other and There are plenty of panels, refrigerator boxes and oven units that had to be Crowned Around and I actually had a very enjoyable day. I really enjoy doing crown molding mainly due to the fact that very few carpenters can do it or even want to attempt to do it. I like working alone, lol.

Hope fully those cabinets that had to be ordered will arrive before the granite needs to be installed. I really don't want to have to squeeze them in later. Luckily one of those cabinets sits next to the dish washer so I know that one won't be a problem.

Now I'm going to go eat some Jello.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ironic Chef #11, Jello

Lol, I'm sure someone out there knew that sooner or later I was going to get around to jello. Jello is one of them things that doesn't amount to much but I am sure that everyone probably has a box or two in the cabinet.

I grew up with Jello and it was used for a treat very often. Where I grew up Jello wasn't called by a flavor but referred to by it's color. Green Jello, Red Jello, Orange Jello, Yellow Jello, Purple Jello. I know that today you have many different flavors that have been added like tropical Jello and Blue Jello and a couple additions to red like Raspberry and Strawberry.

People do so many things with Jello. You have Jello Molds, and jello Parfaits and Jello Shooters and Jello Wrestling matches, Jello Wigglers and Jello Jigglers. Does it ever seem to end. Hmmmmm, Jigglers isn't even a word, lol.

Recently I was given a Raspberry Jelly recipe that called for the use of Grren tomatoes and Raspberry Jello. Who would have figured that one up. I actually made some and believe it or not, liked it.

My favorite Jello though is to make a box of Jello, Any Flavor. Boil the amount of water called for and then dump in the jello mix and mix it up. I then add about 6 ice cubes to the hot mixture to cool it down. I stir and stir for a few minutes and then remove the small pieces of melted ice cubes. I then mix in about an 8 ounce container of yogurt. The flavor of yogurt would be something that would go well with the jello. For instance, If I used Blue Jello I would mix in a container of Blueberry Jello. I mix the cool jello liquid well with the yogurt and then let it sit in the fridge till it sets up.

Depending on the situation it can be dressed up a bit when I am ready to serve it. The now Jello Parfait can be spooned into a glass in alternating layers of fruit, whipped cream and Parfait.

Now I am sure everyone is so thrilled with a Jello Blog. What can I say? I just like Jello.

I am just going to hold my breath in anticipation for the fabulous Jello recipes to get posted this week.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Ironic Chef #10, Cheese Cake Anyone?

Ironic Chef #10. Anyone for Cheese Cake?

I love cheese cake. I am not going to get to involved with a big long blog regarding how to make a cheese cake so instead I am just going to share a Kraft Foods video with everyone. Watch how a New York Style Cheesecake is made in under a minute or two, lol. After you watch it I am sure you will run out and buy the few minor ingredients and whip one up.

>>>>>>Cheese Cake Video<<<<<<

Enjoy the video and I hope to see some Cheese Cake recipes. I will add a few of my own as the week goes bye.


Friday, September 14, 2007

Happy Birthday

H A P P Y-B I R T H D A Y-YOU !!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Choo Choo Charlie

I have mentioned Choo Choo Charlie many times and no one seems to have ever heard of him. I figured I would share this video just as a reminder.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Ironic Chef #9, #9, #9, #9..... Corn Bread

I know everyone thought I had forgotten but I am sure you know better than that. I just decided to take Sunday off this week because I was feeling really lazy.

Here in the North East Corn Bread is not something that is eaten very often and when it is most expects corn bread to be more of a corn muffin. Full of sugar and no corn flavor at all.

From my chats with friends I know that the rest of the United States loves Corn Bread and eat it several times a week if not every day. I am asking for this weeks Ironic Chef for your favorite Corn Bread Recipes and a story or 2 to go along with the recipe. Teddy Bear and Vero awhile back where going at it with corn bread and corn pone and this Northern Boy just figured them 2 Hillbillies were just plain nuts but I guess if I lived in the hills I would probably start a feud or 2 figuring my Corn Bread was the best there is too. Of course I am probably going to be considered a real nut case with my corn bread recipe that is to follow.It is not a traditional cornbread and I can't tell you the number of attempts I made to get it where I wanted it. My family appreciates it so I figure it's worth sharing. Certain individuals in my family are very very picky, lol.

Mac's Corn Bread


1 1/2 cups of corn meal

1 1/2 cups of unbleached flour

1 package of rapid rise yeast

1 tablespoon of sugar

1 teaspoon of salt

2 tablespoons of softened butter

1 cup of scalded milk cooled to lukewarm


In a mixing bowl add yeast, sugar, and milk. Mix together and then add 1 cup of flour and then mix very well. Allow to sit covered for about 10-15 minutes so that the yeast blooms. Add the rest of the flour, corn meal, butter and salt and mix to form a ball. If the ball is to sticky add a bit more flour so that it can be handled.

I then dust a work area and knead the dough for about 6-8 minutes. If the dough gets to sticky I just dust it a little more. I figure I have kneaded the dough long enough when I push 2 fingers onto it and the indentations close very quickly. That tells me I have formed enough gluten in the dough and it won't just fall apart when you go to take a bite out of a nice buttered piece of hot Corn bread.

I let the dough rest for 10 minutes covered and turn the oven on to preheat at 450 degrees.

I then shape my loaf into a log by flattening it into a rectangle about 12" wide by about 16" long. I then roll it up tightly and set the log onto a pizza board that has been dusted with corn meal. (the pizza board is called a peel , if I spelled that right) Yes I actually have one and love to use it, lol.

Through trial and error I have found that letting the dough double in size before baking it isn't the way to go for me. I like it to rise some during baking so after about 40 minutes I slide it into the oven. I actually have a stone in my oven that covers most of a rack. I make sure it is in the center of the oven before I preheat.

Right after I put the Corn Bread into the oven I mist the oven with a spray bottle to make some steam. I do this several time for the first few minutes of baking. Warning, if anyone does this make sure not to mist the light in your oven if you have one there!!

I bake the Corn Bread for I would say close to 30 minutes but rely more on when it is a nice golden brown. When I slide it out of the oven I give it what I call a thump test. If it sound hollow then it is done. I have a wire rack that I use for cooling breads, cookies and cakes and such. I slide the loaf onto the wire rack and I give the loaf a little mist. I then allow the corn bread to sit long enough to get the butter and a cutting knife and start hacking off pieces and slathering on the butter. if anyones hand gets between the piece of corn bread and my teeth then they just are going to lose a few fingers.

I will post an English Muffin recipe later in the week using this Corn Bread recipe with just a little addition. Stay tuned and lets bake some Corn Bread..


Friday, September 7, 2007

Removing Yahoo Photos, I need help..

OK, Yahoo photos has left the building and we all had to go else where with our photos.
Question for you all and I noticed that you have already done it.

How can I get the Yahoo photo part off my 360 page???? I don't see a setting to remove it and it suits no purpose except making me madddddd.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Ironic Chef #8, Salads Aren&#39;t Rabbit Food Anymore

Here in the States we are having a Holiday weekend in honor of Labor day which falls on Monday. In a way Labor day is the unofficial closing of our summer. The barbecues get fired up and the cookouts commence. I am sure that the burgers, dogs, Johnsonvilles and steaks are thrown on the grill but it seems the salads are always in the background. No Fair.

To me, when a BBQ comes to mind the picture of a paper plate overloaded with coleslaw, baked beans and macaroni salad comes to mind as the plate is collapsing. Maybe it was from watching a Dixie commercial to many times as a kid, lol.

I thought that for our Ironic Chef this week we all if you don't mind could pay tribute to the salads we make for the Holidays and Picnics. I am going to lump the baked beans into that somehow too if I can.

I am imagining that everyone has attended some type of covered dish function at one time or another. In the past I was a Scout Master and we would have these type of meals very often. I swear you would never see so many varieties of Macaroni salad in your life and every one of them would be different. Every single person who made one would be making a family favorite. Word got out that I loved macaroni salad and unfortunately I was put into a situation where I had to eat practically a plate full from every single person that made it or someone would feel insulted. If I wasn't Irish and Scottish one would wonder where I actually received my Nick Name from.

My macaroni salad is very basic and simple. I just cook up a lb of Macaroni elbows. I prefer Muller's cause I have been using it for so many years. I allow the Macaroni to cool before I make the salad. For the salad I use 1 can of tuna, some dill and sweet pickle relish, a large stick of celery, and a large minced onion and green pepper. I am not a fan of olives but as a kid olives always went into the Macaroni salad. As the years went bye my macaroni salad didn't taste right so I ended up throwing in some chopped olives and I was back on track. Funny how the taste buds recollect something like that and how taste change. After mixing in all the above I use a mixture of half Miracle Whip and half Helmans Mayonnaise and a few teaspoons of horseradish to pull it together. Of course I taste for salt and pepper. If it's for a holiday and guest are coming I usually decorate the top with some fresh parsley and some paprika to make it look fancy. I have been known to throw some nice deviled eggs on the top too. It just looks purty.

Macaroni salad to me is one of those things that has to be refrigerated for a day in advance so that all the flavors meld and the moisture is sucked into the pasta.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful Holiday weekend and for those of you that are not here in the States, we welcome everyone at a Barbecue.

Thanks for your recipes. Mac

This video is for Vero and has absolutely nothing to do with this weeks theme.