Thursday, September 27, 2007

Ironic Chef #12, Apples

This Ironic Chef Blog was inspired by My friend Judy E. Ironic Chef #12, Let us use some Apples.

I grew up with apple orchards surrounding our house as a kid and apples were a big part of my families diet. We ate apples every way conceivable. I never grew tired of apples and I am sure there are millions of recipes everyone can share using apples as a main ingredient.

My first recipe will be of an apple pie with the addition of rhubarb. Those that really know me know that I enjoy almost anything tart or sour. Not sour milk sillies. Citric sour to make myself more clear, lol. I like the addition of rhubarb to an apple pie to kick up the tartness.


I am terrible at making pie crust so I get the ones that are pre made.

Pie crust for a 2 crust pie

4 cups of Cortland Apples or MACintosh apples or your favorite tart apples like Granny Smiths peeled, cored and sliced.

4 stalks of rhubarb, sliced into 1" chunks

1 tablespoon of corn starch

1 cup of sugar

1/2 cups of light brown sugar

1/2 stick of butter cut into small cubes

A good shake of cinnamon or 2 and also a good splash of lemon juice and a good pinch of salt.


Preheat the oven to 375. In a large mixing bowl combine the sugars, cornstarch and lemon juice and mix well. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well making sure to get all the apples coated. I like to taste at this point for tartness and for enough cinnamon. If I want more tartness I add a bit more lemon juice . Cinnamon doesn't need explaining. I just don't want it to over power the taste of the apples.

I place a pie crust into the pie tin and then fill it with the apple mixture. I dampen the outer edge of the lower crust with a bit of water and place the other crust over it. I do my best to get it into place with out making a mess of things and ripping the crust but since it's premade I do pretty good. I then seal the 2 crust together and cut off the excess dough. I cut a few vent holes into the top crust and then brush it with a little milk and then sprinkle some sugar over it.

I like to put some foil around the out side of the crust cause I bake it for pretty close to an hour. I hate dark brown edges on my pies. That bitter taste is terrible. Sour and tart is what I am after. I like to put a sheet pan under the pie too cause if the dripping get on the bottom of the oven I'm the one that has to clean it.

I know some like hot apple pie with maybe some vanilla ice cream but I like mine cold. The colder the better. If I can bake my pie the night before I will. I used rhubarb with this recipe but I like to vary what I add. I also like strawberries with the apples or an apple,strawberry rhubarb pie. Thats the best. Apple raspberry is excellent too. I just try to keep the amount of fruit the same so as not to overfill the crust. Of course a little extra is a nice snack.

I hope someone finds this pie as enjoyable as I do. Now lets share some apple recipes.
Thanks, Mac

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