Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ironic Chef #11, Jello

Lol, I'm sure someone out there knew that sooner or later I was going to get around to jello. Jello is one of them things that doesn't amount to much but I am sure that everyone probably has a box or two in the cabinet.

I grew up with Jello and it was used for a treat very often. Where I grew up Jello wasn't called by a flavor but referred to by it's color. Green Jello, Red Jello, Orange Jello, Yellow Jello, Purple Jello. I know that today you have many different flavors that have been added like tropical Jello and Blue Jello and a couple additions to red like Raspberry and Strawberry.

People do so many things with Jello. You have Jello Molds, and jello Parfaits and Jello Shooters and Jello Wrestling matches, Jello Wigglers and Jello Jigglers. Does it ever seem to end. Hmmmmm, Jigglers isn't even a word, lol.

Recently I was given a Raspberry Jelly recipe that called for the use of Grren tomatoes and Raspberry Jello. Who would have figured that one up. I actually made some and believe it or not, liked it.

My favorite Jello though is to make a box of Jello, Any Flavor. Boil the amount of water called for and then dump in the jello mix and mix it up. I then add about 6 ice cubes to the hot mixture to cool it down. I stir and stir for a few minutes and then remove the small pieces of melted ice cubes. I then mix in about an 8 ounce container of yogurt. The flavor of yogurt would be something that would go well with the jello. For instance, If I used Blue Jello I would mix in a container of Blueberry Jello. I mix the cool jello liquid well with the yogurt and then let it sit in the fridge till it sets up.

Depending on the situation it can be dressed up a bit when I am ready to serve it. The now Jello Parfait can be spooned into a glass in alternating layers of fruit, whipped cream and Parfait.

Now I am sure everyone is so thrilled with a Jello Blog. What can I say? I just like Jello.

I am just going to hold my breath in anticipation for the fabulous Jello recipes to get posted this week.

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