Sunday, June 29, 2008

Another Detour

Lol, I logged on this morning and the first comment I see is from Judy. It hit the day I had yesterday right on the head. Talk about a detour.

I have been trying to accomplish work on my truck over the weekends. I think I have become a rather ok mechanic in the past few years, lol. Yesterday morning I get the truck jacked up in the air and supported and I climb underneath to get at the oil pressure sensor switch.What the heck is that? Hey, afew weeks ago I would have said the same thing. I use Auto Zone and their website to resolve all my automotive problems and they tell me whats wrong and using their guids I fix them. To be honest though this pressure switch has been like playing a game of hide and seek and between the Autozone web site and my Haynes manual I just can't seem to find exactly where the sucker is located.

So finally I am under the truck after a week of research thinking I have the location of the oil pressure sensor switch. My research shows that it should be right next to  or at the oil filter.. So there I was under the truck squeezing my hand between the frame of the truck and the block of the engine all around the oil filter and ahhhhh haaa, I found what I thought was what I was looking for. After a half hour of trying this socket and that I was able to get the sensor turning. It was loose enough to finish taking it out by hand. The last few turns and then splash, Anti Freeze. AAAAAAARGH!!!

I reach and grab the catch container and shove it under the anti freeze pouring out and I hear my daughter walking up to the truck talking on the phone. I'm thinking my wife got into an accident or something and here I was with liquid pouring out of my truck. Nope, More like  "my parents want you to pick up their counter tops today.

Go to fullsize image

They have wanted their counter tops done for like the last 3 months. I have set aside days for doing them about 6 times and for some reason something would always come up at the last minute for them so I couldn't do them that day. One of the excuses one time was that the counter tops were special order and that they hadn't come in yet.  The counter tops I picked up at Lowes yesterday after spending 1 1/12 hours picking up some and returning them because of scratches to the Home Depot where not special order counter tops. I think at one time they wanted granite tops and through my wife I sent the message that if they wanted granite tops then they should get them through a reputable granite supplier because I did not have the tools and equipment to install granite tops. Nope, no bits for drilling faucet holes or for cutting sink openings and no polishing equipment for stone.I wonder if I threw them a curve ball?

Well, after a bit of searching I found that sensor that I took out which was probably the coolant temperature gauge sensor and reinstalled it. I did notice another sensor up higher under the intake manifold that could possibly be what I am looking for so I am thinking that today I might attempt that one. Socket size is different from the new sensor nut though,  what the heck. I refilled the fluids in the truck and ended up working to about 10pm last night getting the counter tops in and the new sink and hardware. I would have finished the job a whole lot quicker but my father in-law was right up my ass the whole frigging time. I swear, I would turn around and literally bump into him at least 10 times. I have to watch what I say though because he has very sensitive feelings and if I hurt his feelings my wife wouldn't hear the end of it for months. Also the fact that when I arrived with the new tops and went into the kitchen, nothing had been removed from the counter top like the coffee maker and the microwave etc... or was anything removed from the cabinets.

So that was my detour for the day.


  1. Hugggggs Mac. (I'll look through my manuals and see if I can find a pic of that sensor) LOL

  2. Oh boy
    Have you ever installed Silestone?
    (We don't get our truck from the shop for 3 more days. Of course we loose out on all the free street brick (for the garden) that the next town over is giving away tomorrow...sigh. Ain't it the way? lol)

  3. Don't ya just luv those free giveaways. Some of the builders of homes do that and sometimes it many skids that are free for the taking. Well Mac here we had to buy all new tools when then changed to metric..Hope you find that sensor.

  4. Misty, my last vehicle was a chevy blazer.It was funny cause half the wrenches were standard and the other half was metric. I think GMC and GMAC parts were used, lol. I still can't figure out why in some places on this ford I have run into metric sizes but maybe you can explain it to me. I liked my Toyota truck when I had it cause everything was either a metric 10 or 14. I wasn't reaching for a different socket every 5 minutes.

  5. LOL Mac.......we had a car that was 1/2 standard and 1/2 metric too.....I think they auto companies are in "cahoots" with tool makers..... Don't you just love a day full of surprises!!!! LMAO

  6. Can't explain nuttin on the metric cuz I hate metric system. Taught using pounds and ounces and inches and feet and for the life of me I can't get it thru thick noggin anything metric. Maybe part of the vehicle was made in US of A and part Canadian or maybe imported from UK...But it sure keeps the tool and dye industries in business. Any handyman today must keep two sets of tools...Don't know why they can't make tools uniStandardMetric.

  7. LOLLOL poor Mac...what a day you had...hope ya got it all squared away and everyone was happy:):):)

  8. Bill and I are always having something stopping us from doing a project we need to do. I just go with the flow and also refuse to work on a vehicle because of that fact. lol

  9. Lol Mac, I don't envy you with the mechanical work, all of it just goes right over my head.... (hey it's good to see you back, you have been sooooo missed!!)
