Friday, June 27, 2008

Marehaven Cabinets

I did not install these cabinets. These cabinets were importated from Italy and cost over 100,00.00 for what you see. The cabinet install was a mexican that came here from North Carolina to do the install. The cabinets arte absolute garbage and the installation was so bad I xouldn't even begin to explain how bad.
I spent 3 days just doing rapairs to the installation. The day the counter tops were installed there had actually been gaps between the cabinet end panels and the counter tops that went from nothing to 3/4 of an inch. The counter top installer was actually going to try and caulk that one joint.
The counter tops are man made.
Up close and personal this kitchen with the counter tops installed looks and reminds me of being in a public bathroom. The lite you see is what there is. There is a cieling fan about 15" off the floor and maybe 3 sconces in the entire kitchen.
Before I forget, a house this big, the door from the kitchen to the dining room is only a 2' door. Could you please try to imagine a holiday meal and trying to get a 30 pound turkey on a plater through the opening?

The last picture is actually showing the front doors, imported from China. These Teak doors are solid 2" thick doors that are 8' tall. Every door in this house is the same except for the glass. You would not believe the wieght of these doors.
If anyone is wondering, this set alone cost 18,000.00 just for the doors. Sorry about the picture quality. I had just taken my camera from my lunch cooler and the lense kept fogging up.


  1. Some people truly do have more money than they have good sense, don't they?

  2. so you live in a money pit or what? workmanship for SURE aint what it used to be! while i know many of my neighbors are now Mexicans and work very very HARD to do excellent work, there are workers all over the country, from everywhere that just suck ! because ya OWN a hammer, dont mean ya know how to USE IT PROPERLY. look on the upside...after you did the fix yourself, at least ya know how it was done and maybe it ll LAST. (and people laughed when i bought the ghetto mansion....its a work in perpetual progress, but at least I AM THE WORKPERSON and i know what was done, and HOW!! takes more time, costs waaaaay less money and aggravation though. and, even a duh like me can be proud of the progress...even if it is at a snails pace!)

  3. I'm sorry to say that if I had that kind of money my house would not be dark and the door ways would have to be much wider than 2' to fit my body thru one. lol Plus I would forget the turkey and just fix a cornish hen. hahaha

  4. Good grief I would want a whole house for the price of those cabinets....makes you wonder if they will even use the kitchen much, other than to tell their guests, that it was all "imported"...(rolls eyes)....
