Friday, June 27, 2008

The One Week Mac Kitchen Make Over.

I should have taken some before shots. This area was where the home owner had a desk set up.

I walked onto this job with an existing kitchen. On all the cabinets were little post it notes saying either garage or basement. Wouldn't you believe that almost all of the large cabinets and 5 pantry units were all listed for the basement. I actually got them into the basement by removing all the drawers and doors. I was so ticked that I just set all the doors and drawers in a pile. The reason for being ticked, the homeowner had 3 sons ages from 18 to 24 that just hung around the whole time I was there doing the job.
I did get the old kitchen discombobulated on the first day. Fixed all the electrical work to the new locations, patched all the drywall where needed and then started unpacking all the new cabinets.
I had all the new cabinets in by the following Wedensday. Thursday I installed the Crown mouldings, kick plates and all the finished end panels. Friday was the installation of the hardware and clean up.
I'm sorry the granite wasn't in for the final picture but it was off to another job.


  1. OOOOOOOH I love the stove and microwave!

  2. Beautiful kitchen. It looks so bright and cheerful.Can't wait to see it with the counter tops on. (You will take more pics won't you?)

  3. Ohhh luv the tone of the wood and the style of the units.

  4. Beautiful stove and microwave Mac...Does the microwave have an exhaust fan to take the cooking heat out?

  5. That is what a lot of kitchens are missing is a great pantry. Did the homeowners get a stainless steel dishwasher and fridge?

  6. Very nice Mac..soooooo ummmmmm did you say you wanted to see Kentucky???

  7. Yes they did Misty, If you enlarge you can actually see them. The woman doesn't even cook. Do you see that stove? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

  8. Sorry Vero, Once I was out of there that was it. No good byes and no thank yous, lol. I hate doing my beautiful crown mouldings and love to get compliments when I do an install. Look at them miters, lol.

  9. Yes on the exhaust fan Misty. I actually lucked out because there was an existing hood there to begin with.

  10. Oh yes I definitely took note of the crown moulding. Too bad they weren't more appreciative. But you know you did a great job and thats what counts. Hugs!

  11. That stove style seems to be popular. I kinda wish I had gone stalnless instead of black.

  12. scoot over Martha
    hahaha Master Mac is in da House !

  13. I love the wood colour...its going to be a dream kitchen!

  14. there a flat ductwork in the wall (behind microwave) to vent the stove heat outside? (Gorgeous kitchen!)

  15. mac when i win the lottery i will get you to do my kitchen you are good at your job aint ya better than the ones we got here

  16. now after ya do poshys house...come help me on MINE! lol....

  17. That's the thing I hate about remodeling or building anything...dust goes everywhere. I do like the cabinet's though.

  18. When you are done going to kentucky, can ya hang a left and hit Nebraska? I want my kitchen redone too,lol...
