Saturday, July 28, 2007

Ironic Chef 3 Tomato Sunday

I thought it would be interesting to use the tomato this week as the themed ingredient just because I am having every ones ripe tomatoes rubbed in my face for teasing purposes, lol. Mine are still a few weeks away but at least when they are ripe they will be beef steaks. One slice will make a sandwich for you.

I hear some out there not having much luck with any good tomato recipes so I hope that they keep checking what everyone post for some good ideas. I posted several on The Garden Circle groups page as did Suzi. I hope you take a look to see what is there and enjoy the ideas.

I know that stuffed peppers and cabbages always go over very well and if one doesn't eat the pepper or cabbage they will most likely go for the filling.

I love stuffed tomatoes so I figured I would share a simple recipe for some. There are so many different stuffing recipes like rice, risotto, veal and such but I just figured I'd go light for a change.

I take 4 large beef steak tomatoes and cut the tops off of them and then remove the centers. Just like you would a pepper. For the filling I mix together 2 cups of bread crumbs,1/4 cup of Good Seasons Italian dressing that has been mixed, a small handful of chopped basil, 1/2 lb of mozzarella cheese that has been shredded and 1 egg for a binder and salt and pepper to taste. All of these ingredients are mixed together and used to fill the tomatoes. I usually place a small amount of the mozzarella cheese on the tops of the stuffed tomatoes. The tomatoes go into a hot oven, about 425 degrees and baked until the cheese on top is a nice golden brown, about 20-25 minutes. I then remove them from the oven and allow them to sit for about 10 minutes so that the filling sets and cools some. Eating them right out of the oven is like putting hot lava into your mouth. These stuffed tomatoes are very light and kind of remind me of eating a pizza inside out. They are very refreshing on a hot day and are very simple to make.


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