Tuesday, July 17, 2007

To Hot And Overheating

Last Friday the Temperatures here were up in the upper 90's. My trucks thermometer read 107 at lunch time. On my drive to work I was probably about 20 minutes from my job site when I dash board warning light brought me out of my mindless zone that I get into when I commute and wondering why I saw a warning light flashing took my eyes to the temperature gauge to see that I was over heating.

I just happend to be coming up on a Walmart so I pulled off the high way and found a spot in the parking lot very far from the store itself and popped the hood. At 5:30 in the morningf I was suprised to see how many cars there was as it is in the parking lot. (No sign of Elvis or his custumized Pinto though)Being the Boy Scout I am and always trying to be prepared I grabbed 1 of the 7 or 8 1 gallon jugs of water that I always seem to be carrying with me and after it was safe to take the radiator cap off I started pouring in the water. 1 gallon didn't seem enough so I went for #2. Not enough, what the heck. I stuck my head under the front of the truck and started cussing up a storm as I watched the water pour out from somewheres.

I managed to make it to the job site with several stops to add more water. After the work day was done I filled up all my jugs and headed home. Lol, I managed to get about 8 miles to the gallon of water. There is nothing like driving home from work after a long hot day with the engine overheating and you have the heater on high trying tpo keep the engine just a little cooler. So....... last weekend I spent much of my time working on my wife's car and trying to resolve my cooling system problem.

I live by K&W block, head and engine seal so I flushed the system, added the sealer and then allowed the system to dry. I also picked up another thermostat and ended up going to 3 different suppliers for the 2 gaskets needed for the thermostat and housing. Sunday night I had everything good to go. My truck was running great. No leaking. I let it idle for almost 2 hours and the temperature never went over 195 on the gauge. I figured I had done good.

Monday morning I took my wife's car to work and I asked her to use my truck for the day. I figured that if she ran the truck locally to go to the store or whatever would be a good test for it. Needless to say that didn't happen. She didn't need to go anywheres all day.

I took my truck to work Tuesday.l The drive in was nice with absolutely no problems. THE DRIVE HOME ON THE OTHER HAND, GGGRRRRRRR.

Last night I was fuming as I tore apart the front of my truck and pulling the dang water pump out. There was a gasket shot on one side of the water pump and the sucker and me had it out. I ended up putting in another water pump since I was pulling the old one out anyways. So I would say that my day yesterday ended at about 9:30pm. I was dragging today.

The good out of it is that the overheating problem seems to be fixed but I am still shell shocked. I keep expecting that arrow on the gauge to just keep going up and up. Lol, I had 10 gallon jugs in the back of the truck this morning just in case....

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