Sunday, November 4, 2007

Comcast Is Playing Games ( For Bubs)

Comcast is causing problems with the users using their internet service. Comcast actually blocks competitor sites and makes it look as if the user has computer problems.

Comcast Does Indeed Block BitTorrent

Though Comcast has denied it in the past, a new nationwide test conducted by the Associated Press shows that the cable giant is indeed actively interfering with file sharing through services like BitTorrent, eDonkey and Gnutella.

The AP’s tests showed that Comcast (CMCSA) is not hindering the downloading of BitTorrent files, but the company does block or delay uploads. The problem being that with the peer-to-peer nature of BitTorrent’s technology, uploads and downloads are interchangeable. When files are being exchanged between two computers, Comcast surreptitiously steps in and gets the two machines to hang up on each other.

A Comcast spokesperson told the AP:

“Comcast does not block access to any applications, including BitTorrent.” - Comcast spokesperson Charlie Douglas

When pressed, Douglas would not define what he meant by “access.”

Comcast’s actions are re-igniting the debate about net neutrality, as its practices are indiscriminate when it comes to the type of content being shared online. An independent producer distributing his own film, for example, is treated with the same regard as a pirate trading illegal copies of movies.

For its part, Comcast says it has a right to manage its network in order to ensure that a small portion of file sharers are not affecting the bandwidth of other customers. Other ISPs engage in so-called “traffic-shaping,” which slows down some types of traffic. But Comcast is targeting one type of traffic.

Comcast’s reputation suffered another blow, literally, when 75-year-old Mona Shaw took a hammer to her local Comcast customer service office and started smashing up the joint. She was upset, to say the least, when Comcast missed an installation date and basically treated her like a BitTorrent file.

Doing a Google on comcast and blocking I have found that people across the nation are finding that Comcast has been blocking many networks and sites.  


  1. how beautiful are those mountains! I've never seen a mountain for real...just in pics and on tv

  2. I don't think it's right to prevent anyone with an account with a business such as Comast for things to be blocked. They are paying for a service and service is what they should get. Why else have them for the Internet Server? To Mona Shaw I say..."Good going lady!"

  3. hmmm interesting, and it doesn't surprise me either...
