Saturday, November 3, 2007

A Busy Saturday

I thought I was going to have a nice easy day today after installing that last brake on my wifes car that I put ioff doing the other night but as fate would have it, it's not going to happen.
The tranny started acting up on my Blazer so I took it into the shop to have it checked. The mechanic test drove it and came back with the reply that the tranny was shot. 1500 dollars to get it fixed. I give up. I love that Blazer for a work truck but I'm not going to sink anymore money that I don't have into it. Specially with Christmas not being to far off in the distant future.
My wife spotted a used vehicle on Craigs List on the internet. The owner wasn't to far from me so I ended up getting a Ford Ranger (93) for 500.00. It needs a few minor repairs like a new starter and muffler abnd I can deal with that simple enough. It has an oil leak and that is what concerns me. I had to look at it after work and I couldn't see much with a spot light. I runs good and the tranny is fine so I will keep my fingers crossed. I know that for the price I can't expect much.
I am very envious of those that can just go out and buy a new car. I have been married for almost 27 years and have never been able to afford that. These days the insurance alone for a new vehicle would cost me 300.00 a month. I don't know how people do it. It seems that car payments use to be that amount.
So I am heading over to the motor vehicle office as soon as I can borrow my wifes car to make it legal and then to work I will go.
For those interested, I will be making chicken and dumplins for dinner tonight. My recipe is in my blogs somewheres. The dumplins are not the drop type, more of a big flat noodle.


  1. I hope everything works out with the Ranger, Mac...
    I don't want to say this too loud cause I'll prolly jinx myself, but, I've always had good luck with used, I have my fingers crossed for you...

  2. Sorry to hear of your troubles and I do hope that oil leak is nothing serious. Heck we don't buy new car's anymore but do go to a dealership to buy a used one. Insurance is high everywhere, those blood suckers will take your money but when you make a claim I hear they don't pay very good. Thank goodness we have not had to make a claim in many years and that one was for a cracked windshield from a truck that threw a rock back on us. I'll sure want to have a bowl of your dumplins. That is one of my favorite dishes any time of the year.

  3. Mac, having all those little things pop up is why I decide to buy me a new car, well it ain't so new anymore. Cars are a terrible investment no matter how you look at it. Why is your insurance so high? Mine isn't that much for 6 months!

  4. I'll be by later. Save me a dumplin, please.

  5. Sorry the old Blzaer was giving you so much grief. I hope your "new" vehicle will work out well.

  6. I'd love to have some dumplings, Good luck with the new vehicle, too

  7. As much as a new vehicle depreciates in that first year, you are better off buying something used. I am usually happy if I can get something that is still in the same decade,lol. Don't feel bad, I have never had a brand new spanking car either. I don't think that new car smell is near as good as the smell of chicken and dumplings....I will be over for dinner set another plate! lol

  8. Cyn, Nj holds the record for having the most expensive insurance. I am paying about 1200.00 every 6 months for insurance here for 2 cars and thats just liability. My wife and I both have good driving records too.

  9. Cyn, Nj holds the record for having the most expensive insurance. I am paying about 1200.00 every 6 months for insurance here for 2 cars and thats just liability. My wife and I both have good driving records too.

  10. I hope all t6hose stopping over for homemade chicken and dumplins don't get mad at me. I actually decided to make that tomorrow but am making sauce with homemade meatballs and pepperoni. I just finished getting some homemade rolls ready for the oven. After working today I didn't feel like going through the hassle of to much work with cooking and deboning and the dumplins.. Tomorrow, I promise.

  11. Sneaks a couple of nice brown rolls when NO ONE is looking.

  12. I can't afford an old decrepit car lol. And I don't know much about cars but I have been hearing that you should be VERY cautious buying anything from the Craig list. I dont know all that much but they have been mentioning this in the news lately. So be careful. And no thanks on either dinner hahahahhahaha I just had pizza and bread sticks. Want a slice?

  13. ohhhhhh by the way I just love this background you have here and damnit how come I can't figure out how to do this. You must be much smarter lmao. Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. We had two cars but now both of us retired we cut down to one. To have a vehicle just sit in the drive and pay out insurance on it...Wasn't worth keeping it. With gas prices, insurance and upkeep I don't know how folks can afford a new car let alone a car.

  15. Awwww Mac I Hope Everything Work out Good for your New Ranger Pal And Life doesn't get hectic with you and your wife and Family And you Try to have a Peaceful Holiday And Get All your Prayers Answer And I will say one for Ya Pal!! You Sound Like a Wonderful Person Who Apprciates a Good Classic Car And I Send All My Best Wishes! And Deserves a Good Break In Life!

  16. sends splinter over so you'll have a ride.I know the feeling..seems everytime I tured around something else was in my face,fix this fix that..that went on for around 3 months.....and I love the pepper dumplins....

  17. Now Mac..what time is supper? Any leftover's from last night? snicker

  18. you know Mac, where I come from that is called Chicken pot pie, I am from Maryland and my mother is from Pa, it took me years to know that chicken and dumplins (with flat noodles) was the same as chicken pot pie my mom made.
