Saturday, November 10, 2007

Ironic Chef #17, Cabbage

Recently Bonnie did a blog on a cabbage soup so I figured that cabbage would be a good ingredient to use for this weeks Ironic Chef.
For those of you that are new friends since I have come over to Multiply, The Ironic Chef Weekends are Blogs used for everyone that would like to participate and share recipes on a themed ingredient. We have built a very nice recipe collection this way and if you are looking for some excellent recipes for real home cooking , please just look at the blogs titled Ironic Chef.

Now I am sure that with the name Mac someone out there is thinking, "oh know, here comes a corn beef and cabbage recipe."  Sorry to disappoint anyone but I am not a big fan of corned beef. I don't mind cabbage and potatoes but throwing the two into a pot of water and boiling them up together isn't much of a recipe.

This weekend I am going to share my stuffed cabbage recipe. It's a bit different and takes some time to make but very enjoyable as long as you don't mind a little sour.


1 head of cabbage that has been cored and boiled just until you can pull the leaves off. I usually remove the leaves as it sits in the water and when I get a leaf off it goes into a bowl of cold water to stop the cooking.
5 medium sized potatoes, Peeled and let them sit in the water used to boil the cabbage that has been removed from the heat while everything else is prepped.
2 cups of a good quality sour kraut.
1 quart sized can of V8 juice, spicy V8 juice is really good for this too.
1 16 oz. can of diced tomatoes.

Filling for cabbages-
1 1/2 lbs of ground beef
1/2 cup of long grain white rice not cooked
2 cloves of garlic, peeled and mashed
1 large onion, minced
2 large eggs, mixed
salt and pepper to taste, heavy on the pepper.
1 teaspoon of paprika
1 tablespoon of worcestershire sauce


Take one cabbage leaf at a time, with a parring knife try to remove as much of the thick part of the center vein in the leaf. This makes for easier rolling.
Mix the filling together. If it looks a little to wet add up to 1/4 cup of bread crumbs to it. You don't want it to dry.
Add about 1/2 cup of the filling to each cabbage roll. Roll the filling in the leaf as you would a burrito or an egg roll. try to keep it compact and don't worry if it's not a beautiful work of art.
As you fill the cabbages place them into a deep pot that has a lid. Pour a bit of the V8 juice into the bottom and then put a single layer of cabbages.
After the first layer of cabbages are in the  pot it would be a good time to get those potatoes from the water and slice them to about 1/4" slices. Add a single layer of the potato slices over the layer of cabbages. Put about 1 third of the sour Kraut over the potatoes and then 1/3 of the diced tomatoes. Sprinkle a bit of salt and pepper and then start building another layer starting with the cabbages. Keep building the layers with the cabbages first, then the potatoes and then kraut and then the tomatoes until you have used up your cabbages.  Pour the V8 juice over the cabbages. Bing the cabbages to a simmer over medium heat and then lower the heat to low and cover. Cook for about 2 hours.
I have done this in a crock pot but it has to go on low for at least 8 hours unless you want to cook your rice first.  If you have a roaster pan for your oven that has a lid or want to cover it with tin foil so no moister escapes works well to. Just keep the temperature to about 350.

This stuffed cabbage dish has become a Christmas dish here. I made it one year and brought it for a Christmas dinner to go with a ham at the in-laws and it has been requested every year since. That is about 12 years now. Wow, time flies.

I hope everyone enjoys this recipe and later I will share my egg roll recipe. I am really looking forwards to seeing the recipes for cabbage this week.


  1. Un-Stuffed Cabbage

    1 lb. ground lean turkey
    1 small or 1/2 large head of cabbage, sliced thinly
    1 onion, sliced into 1/2 moons
    2 red peppers, thinly sliced
    2 cloves of chopped garlic
    3/4 cup of beer (you should drink the point in it going to waste)
    8 leaves of purple cabbage
    8 ounces of plain fat free yogurt
    1 tbsp. of paprika
    salt and pepper to taste

    1. Heat nonstick skillet over medium high heat. Add turkey, season with salt and pepper and brown. remove turkey from pan and set aside.
    2. Stir in onions, garlic, peppers, and cabbage. Season with salt and pepper, then add beer and cover for 10 minutes, stirring once or twice, until veggies are wilted down.
    3. Once veggies are cooked down add paprika, sour cream, and more salt and pepper....heat thru and serve in cabbage cups...

    Enjoy, Mac, and have a great day!

    *Note...or just use chicken broth, and drink the entire's up to you. ;)

  2. Oh man Mac never heard of your recipe before today. And Suzi's wow.. I would like to know if anyone has a good recipe for using the red cabbage for making like a cabbage salad??

  3. Here ya go, Misty...

    Red Cabbage Salad

    Salted peanuts give this cabbage salad a tantalizing new flavor and a little extra crunch.

    4 cups shredded red cabbage

    3/4 cup mayonnaise
    1/4 cup sugar
    2 tablespoons cider vinegar
    1/4 teaspoon seasoned salt
    dash ground black pepper

    1 cup salted Spanish peanuts

    Put shredded cabbage in a large bowl; cover and refrigerate to chill thoroughly. Combine mayonnaise, sugar, vinegar, salt, and pepper; stir into cabbage and toss to coat thoroughly. Mix in peanuts and serve immediately.
    This cabbage salad serves 8.

    This is delish!

  4. For a lazy man/woman's cabbage rolls, use all the same things Mac did except cut the cabbage into chunks (size can be your choice) form the meat mixture into balls (again size is your choice) . Put both into a pan and pour the tomato stuff over them. Bake as directed for regular cabbage rolls.
    (Make sure juice covers all the cabbage . Nothing is nastier than dried out burnt cabbage.)

  5. Red Cabbage

    1 Medium head red cabbage, cored and thinly sliced
    3 Large tart apples,( Granny Smiths) peeled and sliced
    1 Medium sweet red onion, sliced
    1 1/2 cups Water
    1 cup Apple Cider vinegar
    3/4 cup White sugar
    1/4 cup Brown sugar
    1 tablespoon Butter
    1 teaspoon Salt
    2 teaspoons Cornstarch
    2 teaspoons Cold water


    In a heavy deep pot, toss cabbage, apples and onion. Add water, vinegar, sugar, butter and salt.

    Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for about an hour.

    In a small bowl, combine cornstarch and cold water until smooth; stir in cabbage mixture. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 1-2 minutes.

    I like this recipe because I loved pickled red cabbage.

  6. Egg Rolls. (Break out that bottle of soy sauce Vero)

    The smell of the prep on these alone will bring visitors from down the street for a visit, lol.


    1 pack of egg roll wrappers
    1 small head of cabbage cored and chopped fine
    1 onion minced
    3-4 scallions minced
    1 carrot chopped fine
    1 chicken breast or boneless piece of pork ground up.
    2 cloves of garlic minced
    1/2 tsp of minced ginger
    1 tbs of soy sauce
    1 tsp of sesame oil
    a pinch of red pepper flakes
    1 tsp of sugar
    1 egg beaten

    water to seal the egg rolls with.


    In a deep skillet or Wok heat up some vegetable oil to about 350 degrees (about 2 cups)
    Mix all of the filling ingredients together. Don't over do it on the sesame oil. It's very potent.
    Lay out a egg roll wrapper and moisten the outer edge with the water. Place 2 tbs of the filling in the center of the wrapper.
    Now roll the wrapper with the image of making an envelope in mind. I usually have my wrapper with one of the points facing towards me. I lift that point up over the filling making sure the filling is towards my end as close as possible. I then take the 2 side points and pull them over the center. This makes the envelope. I the roll from the bottom towards the top keeping the roll as tight as possible. I roll all the egg rolls before I start to cook them.
    To fry the egg rolls I place 2 or 3 in the oil and fry until they are a nice golden brown. The smell of the sesame oil in the egg rolls will drive you crazy and you will probably smell it for several days to come. In other words your house will smell like a Chinese joint. The House Of Wang, lol.
    If you enjoy Chinese food you are going to love these egg rolls. There isn't much better for someone that loves Chinese food than a fresh home made egg roll. It's almost as good as a home made loaf of bread on a cold day.

  7. Runs fast after the trash man to see if he still has that bottle of S** sauce.

  8. Mmmmmmmmmm........I love egg rolls and they sound SO easy!

    *Note...stolen recipe #3,474

  9. Hubby just installed heat in the chicken house. Should be more eggs rollin soon....(insert deadpan smiley here)

  10. ..(dropping off the beano for those that need it)lol... I have been lurking at the recipes, I will have to come back later to post one.

  11. Ohhh I do so love cabbage. I make the red cabbage with apples and johnsonville brats...Mmmmm.

    ( and I'm not gonna pull any fingers while I'm here at this blog

  12. this sounds so so good and I love Cabbage and cooked w/ spare ribs to..My mom use to fix them ....Yummmm..My hubby hate it when I eat cabbage thos..Lord have mercy...woooo.. the after effects !!! hahaahahahaahahahaah !!

  13. Training is everything. The peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education. I love cabbage sauted with onions, bacon bits, garlic and olive oil.

  14. I was gonna read all the new recipes posted since I was here last time but reading brat's comment, I think ya better get off the cabbage blog and soon Mac, or none of us will be safe......(now where did I put that gas mask?)lol

  15. Yum-om Mac! I like the sound of zzeectt's cabbage dish, too.

  16. I am not one to eat cabbage cooked, but I know some who would just love this one, father burnt me on cabbage and ham, we had it so offen that I just got sick of it, but I am sure that this one might be a really nice dish, might try if some one would cook it for me.

  17. Holds plate for another helping! YUM!!!
