Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My $500.00 Truck

I figured a good test drive for the truck was my ride to work Monday. I would say it ran pretty good. I was surely impressed with the mileage it gets to the gallon of fuel. The exhaust sounds good now that I took care of putting a new muffler on it but it still has a few leaks that need to be taken care of on it. So far the truck has a total of 163 Mac miles on it.
Yesterday I went to work and the boss wants me to go back to that cabinet job because the hardware (knobs and handles) had arrived. Cool because I wanted to get more pictures now that the granite had been installed. So I headed towards that job. I was zipping along coming up a bridge going over some rail road tracks, traffic was slowed down a bit and I ended up coming to a stop. A dead stop. No nothing from the engine.
I was close to the top of the hill so I figured that since turning the key wasn't doing it then if I got it to the top of that hill going down the other side I would pop the clutch. So I pushed and I popped and I popped and it would not start. At the bottom of the hill was a major highway but just before the highway was a Mr. Good Wrench chevy dealer ship. I coasted the truck into the driveway with all the impatient drivers honking their horns from behind me. I pushed the truck through the parking lot of nice shiny new cars and trucks to a parking spot by their service bays. It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't pouring rain and the speed bumps across the parking lot. I checked for every conceivable problem I could think of and found nothing. I'm thinking I had bought a lemon and had a seized engine or bad timing belt or something major like that.
When the shop finally opened I went in and asked for help. I was told that it would cost 95.00 for a diagnostic. I replied, "if all I need is a jump start, your going to charge me 95.00?" Hearing this they were nice enough to send someone out with a jumper box but it didn't do any good, lol...
They finally had a chance to get it into the shop about 5 hours later. I don't know what their diagnostic consisted of but I was told that the air compressor had seized. A knew one would cost 975.00. What were my other options, a 38.00 belt that didn't go around the compressor pulley. That was my option for a 500.00 truck.
The repair was finished about 25 minutes later. Total bill, 198.00. Ok, I Had just about spent what ever money I have to spare on a 500.00 truck, new exhaust, registration, plates and title. I have like a 150.00 left to my name. I am stranded about 70 miles from home and can't get my truck.
I called my wife to come and get me. The last thing I wanted to do.
The drive to my location was by taking 2 major highways and 1 street. 3 hours later, 6 phone calls to her cell phone, at one point she was so frustrated she literally screamed at me through the phone for a good 5 minutes. I had to take the phone from my ear, everyone in the store could her her screaming at me, lol. I'm standing there saying, "calm down, relax, just turn around and come back the other way. You just drove by the place". "She is screaming I can't turn *********************************************************************************************************
We finally made it home last night around 7:00. I did my civic duty and voted. Now I have to figure out how I am going to get my truck back to go to work or do I wait for payday. Hmmmmm, thats tomorrow.


  1. Well, crap, Mac, I sure am sorry to hear that....there isn't much I can say, except that I wish you well in whatever you decide to do...

  2. Oh Mac, sorry that you got yourself a lemon. I think you might have been better off to have gone and bought a used truck off a car lot and what you have paid out on the old truck would have made your first payment. When we buy a vehicle we have them say they will pay TT&T and they are more than willing to do that. If they happen to refuse I tell them where to take that vehicle and I'll go somewhere else. Your wife should not have yelled at you until she got within reach of you...then she could have put her hands around your throat and yell. Killing two birds with one stone as some would say. lol You know I'm just kidding on that matter but gosh she could have had an accident while yelling at you.

  3. I'm sooooooo sorry to laff but tears are running. What was that I told you about it being time for some good luck??? Good grief you have had your share of bad luck.

  4. I was holdin my breath reading cause I thought you were gonna say it stalled on the railroad crossing.

  5. Ouch Mac, that bites! I guess the good note here is you didn't have to pay a tow charge to get to the garage! Sheesh! Sometimes it is hard to be grateful for the good stuff. Hugzzz

  6. I can't say much. My wife was the one that wanted me to buy this dang truck, lol. She didn't want me to put any more money into the Blazer. The Tranny in the Blazer to be repaired would have been 1500.00. New truck expenditures are adding up fast. 500.00 for truck, 120.00 for exhaust parts , my labor free, 200.00 for new belt, so far 1 day lost for work, 250.00. I am thinking I shoulda just had the Blazer repaired. But again, fighting with my wife over what I thought, Priceless!!!

  7. Sounds like it was quite the day. Hope the rest of your week is better>:D<

  8. Ah Mac, ya poor guy, I feel for you. I think we have all had days like that. I hope you are able to get the truck and get to work,and it is finally fixed. I know what it is like to keep pouring money into something that isnt' worth it, but being unable to afford something new. Take care !

  9. You just rant all you need to Mac. (Bloggin is a whole lot cheaper than marriage counseling isn't it!!! ) LOL

  10. quietly tiptoes through....hope today is better:):):)

  11. just a hug to help your booboo

  12. Lord Luv a Duck if you aren't getting your fair share of bad luck with that truck. Any more costs incurred you'll be past that 1500.00
    Wishing you the best.

  13. ohhhhhhh man that does suck .I hope you don't have to spend too much more money on it. I sympathize.
