Thursday, July 10, 2008

Final Marehaven Mansion Pictures

It has been a total of 110 weeks since we started this job. Except for some cleaning and some painters touch ups the job is done and the certificate of occupancy has been issued. I will put a video of the start to finish up later when I get the time to put it together.
For those of you that haven't followed along- This house was done using a new method of construction using a product called AMVIC. (Google now) Lol. The exterior walls are all solid concrete from the footings to the roof.


  1. Its beautiful...can I move in?

  2. WOW it is beautiful Mac.....too much house for me though....there are a LOT of houses here in Ky using AMVIC, suppose to be quicker and easier ......I'll leave that up to the pros....

  3. I don't know about quicker Sue. We started this project almost 2 years ago to the month.I have never worked on a residential home that took that long in the 30 years that I have been working construction. I have worked on Assisted living complexes with over 300 apartment type units in them and start to finish usually took under a year. Of course I had really good sized crews of 40 plus men on those types of jobs.

  4. These are just fantastic, Mac. I have never seen a house even close to this in my life. Did you say the owner designed it? I would love to know what all those nooks and crannies are to be used for. (Maybe you can pose as a termite inspector and get some good shots of it furnished after they move in) LOL

  5. That's quite a house, Mac. I love that it's right on the water with lots of trees.

  6. Judy, the home owner had asked the guys clearing the lot for building to take down a few trees that he wanted down. In the lake was a kayaker with a camera. Turned out that he worked for the EPA. He shut down the job for 2 months until a deal was worked out to replace the trees. A couple of shrubs were planted to replace the tall white pines that had been taken down.

  7. How much acreage does it have Mac? I am guessing the easier the style the quicker the house?

  8. One might think, with a house that grand, there would be indoor plumbing. ;-)

  9. Awesome Photos Mac and a Great Looking House Is it your New home or you just built it Looks Great !!!..I Love the House !!

  10. Boy that took some money to build that place. I would like to see what type of furnishing's are going to go into it. Personally if I had money I would not ever want a house like this one. Give me simple and old. lol

  11. Roflmao Suzi......I was thinking that too when I was looking at the pics.......

  12. Beautiful house, but any more I don't think I want a big house...all I keep thinking is all of that dusting,lol,lol.....(okay I will take the house but include a maid!)

  13. All kidding aside, Mac, you did an amazing job!

    Dusting, Vic??? Pffftttt...dust is a protective coating for furniture...

  14. about time too mac lol lital and i are waiting to get moved in. by the way you did a fantastic job of it.

  15. Just tie Stink Pot to a stick Vic. Dusting made easy.

  16. It's on about 3 acres Sue. All lake front.

  17. wonders if they make folks remove their shoes at the door...lollol I certainly would insist...beautiful place.

  18. wonders if they make folks remove their shoes at the door...lollol I certainly would insist...beautiful place.
