Saturday, July 12, 2008

My Son

Everyone that knows me has in the past seen mentions of my son. He is going on 25 and in my opinion has always been an exceptionally good kid with exceptional moral values. I consider myself very lucky to have a son of his caliber especially in this day and age.

About a month or so  ago my son finally decided to accept what he has been debating for about the last 6 years. He will devote the rest of his life serving God as a Priest. Starting this September he will start attending Seminary Schooling through the church. Our church has accepted his application and he has been approved.

As his father I could not be more proud of my son. I have known since my son was young that this was the direction his life should take him in and now I am glad to see he is finally on the right path.I am also glad that he will be coming home from Buffalo NY to be a Seminarian. The college which he will be attending is only about a hours drive from here.


  1. Congratulations Mac. How wonderful to have him so close and that is a pretty awesome career he has chosen.

  2. WOW Mac, congratulations, how awesome to serve God!!!!!!!

  3. Congrats Mac
    I believe that we all have chosen
    paths to follow,I wish him and your family the
    very best...hugs lital

  4. Wow! I'll bet you are proud of him!

  5. That's wonderful, Mac. Somehow I expected things to turn out this way. I know how very proud you are and it will be great to have him home again.

  6. You have every reason to be proud Mac, just awesome....Glad to know he will be closer and not so far away too...

  7. so you should be proud mac hes doing a great vocation in life, helping others

  8. I know you are happy about your sons decision and I congrat you for raising such a fine son.

  9. Congratulations Mac...that is wonderful!

  10. All the best to your son Mac, may God bless your son with a long life of serving Him
