Monday, July 21, 2008

Off To Buffalo

We are going to take a quick road trip up to Buffalo New York Tomorrow morning. I will do my best to get the girls into the van by 4am, lol.
 I am hoping that since I am a major waterfall freak I will get the chance to snap a few pixels of Niagara Falls while I am there. If my wife tries to push me over and succeeds I'll make sure she gets a few shots of my 1 1/2 attempts of a somersaults and a good number of bouncing off any rocky edges jutting out on the way down. I hope there will be a spectator from the Wide World Of Sports if that happens. Would hate to miss out on my 15 minutes of fame.

I have been saving a snow ball all summer in the deep freeze so I will assure everyone that I will take real good aim and try my best to bean Misty in the noggin with it. Hopefully one of her catalpa trees won't provide her with adequate cover.


  1. Crappers Mac wish I had known earlier we could've had one heck of a snowball fight across the gorge.
    Have a safe and happy trip. Try the balloon lift cuz it's on the American side near the Rainbow Bridge, but tied down so no worries of drifting off into the sun and oh while there take the ride across the rapids or better still ya can shoot the rapids in an inflatable. Strap the camera around ya wrist just in case wife succeeds can't rely on Joe Blow Public and I Heard Wide World of Sports is off chasing the Amazing lol lol Enjoy!

  2. Have a safe trip, Mac...enjoy!

  3. Enjoy your trip and stay away from that Falls!!!

  4. Hope you got "on the road" @ safe.....

  5. Hehehe Mac, enjoy the trip and hope ya get a good shot at your target (wink)....

  6. I hope you have a fun trip and do get to throw that snowball over to Misty. lol But watch out cause I hear she has a good arm to throw it back at ya. lol

  7. Hope you had an enjoyable day and got some good pics. I bet the falls at night is really beautiful.

  8. How was Buffalo? I went to Niagra Falls a long time ago. Pretty awesome.
