Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ironic Chef "Home Made Daffyroni"

It Has been awhile since the Ironic Chef has posted a recipe but special times call for special recipes and seeings as how certain beast leave Holy messes all over the place I figured a special tribute to thy special beast daisy is in order.
Okay, for this first part everyone had better stand back just a bit cause this could get sorta messy. On second thought, I'll just close the door for a few and if any bellowing in several different languages are heard, please just ignore them. I will try to get this over with as quickly as possible. BRB.

"Zee, get up from behind that table. Let people know who is turning the crank on that grinder."  I actually stole this fine candid shot from Zee.

B. Now then, I had better wash up and get some of this spatter cleaned up and disinfect the work area.

Through the years I have made a point of letting everyone know of my fondness for pepperoni. So for todays tribute to beef I will do the honors of sharing a recipe for home made Pepperoni, ahem, Daffyroni.

This Daffyroni is a flavorful homemade cured Daffy meat, on the dry side, formed into rolls, baked, and sliced

5 lbs (or 5 rolls)

5 pounds lean ground Daffy meat ( There is a whole lot more Daffy but I wanted to keep this recipe to a smaller portion)
5 heaping teaspoons of Morton's "Tender Quick" curing salt
2 1/2 heaping teaspoons of mustard seed
1 teaspoon ground pepper
2 1/2 teaspoons garlic salt
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper

Day 1: Mix all the ingredients and knead well. Refrigerate in sealed container (or air-tight with plastic wrap).

Day 2: Knead again; cover and continue refrigerating.

Day 3: Form Daffy meat into four rolls. Place rolls on an oven grill pan or wire rack; place the grill/rack on/inside a cookie sheet, so excess fat can drip. Bake 7 hours at 150 degrees. Turn rolls 45 degrees every 2 hours.

Store in the fridge or freezer.

Daffyroni is excellent served in a pasta sauce, on pizza or even sliced on crackers with a slice of cheese.

If anyone else has a few recipes using Daffyroni as a themed ingredient feel free to share. I'll be looking forwards to seeing your recipes.


  1. *Stands way back in the corner and waits for Zeebz to arrive*....

  2. Lol, Suzi is hiding behind the milk dispenser

  3. YOU ATE MY DAFFODIL !?! You turned my Holy cow into a peppered slab of meat !!!! Walks around taking long steps chanting the holy cow curse on your daffyroni..may a flock of geese poo on it. Declares a weeks mourning period ...sits in cross legged I'll need to meditate difficult when I am coughing. SOOOZI..come outa there..I seez you.

  4. Just trying to remain out of the way of low flying Daffyroni's, that's all...

  5. lol All I got to say is what in the heck is Daffy Meat?

  6. Daffy was my cow Judy..Mac cownapped her.

  7. Oh my gosh, I had forgot that he did that dasteredly deed. Let's hope that he chocks on it if he eats her. lol

  8. (lights a candle for daffy...poor daffy)....edges candle closer to the pepperoni/ long was the cooking time again?

  9. Vic from what you say, why don't you use all the candle's and it will cook all that daffyroni pretty quick. lol

  10. Vic, would you like extra Daffy on your pizza?

  11. well since the deed is already done when is the BBQ??? hehe

  12. Dixie..shame on you. Poor Zee is going to be watching you eat Daffy and make you feel remorse in eating her pet cow. lol

  13. Have you got a recipe for Daffy jerky?? Mmmm.

  14. Walks aroung chanting loudly..sprinkles holy water on Macs blog...oops wrong bottle..smells like vodka..crap..where are my glasses...see? He is a sadist..he even pinched my sad picture from Daffys obituary page.

  15. I cant make any comments regarding cows

  16. wow I was only passing through..Do I know you people? lol

  17. Sits with a shot glass, lemon and sugar...waits...

  18. sits patiently with Suzi:):):) make mine a double...

  19. Wonders if there is a Daffy and Vodka recipe out there some wheres.
