Sunday, September 21, 2008

Settling In

I have been moving in gradually and have been trying to get use to the new house. The biggest problem is the noise level. Seems we have a nice bump in the road and the street is rather busy 24/7.

I am trying to get use to the stove here. It's one of those glass topped suckers. No burners. The oven is controlled digitally and to bake anything you have to set the temperature then a timer for everything or the oven doesn't come on. When I first started using it the oven would shut off or wouldn't pre heat or a burner would come on on the top of the dang thing. I would think I was shutting everything off but that dang burner would keep going on and off as if it had a mind of it's own. I was thinking how could a stove like this be safe? Lol, I think I have got the hang of it now though. Whenever I use the oven I just set the timer for 3 or more hours and do my thing and shut it off the old fashion way.

I did a kitchen job not to long ago and was able to get myself one of those over the stove microwaves that has an exhaust fan on it. It was one of the first things I installed here. I have always wanted one and have always been highly jealous never to be able to afford a new one. I am very happy to have one now. A hand me down or not.

I started to move my shop yesterday. Seeings as how my son is away in seminary school I can't lift my equipment for the move myself so I have to take all of my saws and such and break them down. I was able to get the table saw, wood clamps (I can't believe how many clamps I have accumulated through the years) Ban saw and drill press all loaded and to here yesterday. I also through some hand tools on the load. I must have about 15 framing squares and at least as many different levels. My redneck moving truck couldn't handle anymore. The rear end of the sucker was practically rubbing the asphalt on the trip here.

I have been getting back into the kitchen. I made a batch of home made pasta last night and made a lasagna for myself and oldest daughter and spaghetti and meatballs for my wife and youngest daughter. I didn't burn anything up so cudos to myself and mastering the new stove. I won't mention the charred mess I had in the bottom of the pot when I attempted to make potato soup the other night. I made bread bowls to go with the soup and after removing them from the oven I shut it off. Turned the burner with the soup on it down to low and went to take a short nap. Working nights has worn me out. The burner decided to do what ever it wanted and I woke up to the smell of charred soup. I carefully tried to get whatever was salvageable from the pot but of course, like burnt pop corn the charred flavor made it taste like a smoke sale potato soup. The bread bowls were a nice touch though.

Today I will be re assembling my equipment and for dinner tonight I am going to roast a turkey breast. I bought some Ocean Spray raspberry cranberry sauce, something I have never seen before but am interested in trying. The roast turkey breast is one of those pressed into roast shape with no bones in it. We like them but the gravy packet that comes with it needs some work. Good thing for chicken stock. Lol. We use the better than bullion kind that is like a paste in a jar. I would recommend it to everyone. We usually get both the beef and chicken flavors.They have a few fish types too but we have no need for a fish stock here. Some times when we are making something that requires a good beef flavor for a gravy like for the cubed steaks I made on Friday night with mashed potatoes which need the gravy, lol. I use the lipton beefy onion soup mix to make the gravy.

Sorry Zee. The turkey roast doesn't have a turkey butt or I would package it up for you. Geeesh, first I volunteer to herd your cows and now I sucker myself into collecting turkey butts for you. I'm headed over to Vero's family reunion now. I'm going to put on some overalls and a straw hat and rent a mule and sneak in. I'll have to locate a place to get some chaw tobacco so no one gets suspicious. If Vero catches me she's going to mail my butt to you.. I'm going to scope it out and see if she has a turkey on the menu and if she does I'll cut off her turkeys butt and cyber space it to you right away. We may have something new here for a fine Indian cuisine. (Turkey Butt, not Mac's butt).


  1. I absolutely H A T E D mine! A big thumbs up to you for getting used to it...I never did...and when I finally convinced my husband to buy me a new stove, I took a sledge hammer to the old one...hit it once for every time it destroyed something I was cooking...needless to say, there wasn't much left of it by the time I was done...
    It actually melted the bottom off of one of my aluminum pans...

  2. Lol, Suzi, serious question. How is that husband doing, lol. I'm getting the Lizzy Borden image of you with a sledge hammer. Yikes, makes note to self, Don't tick off Suzi cause she keeps record of it.

  3. My husband died in September of 2006, Mac...of natural causes...I promise...really...truly...

  4. I had a visual of the officials at Indian customs opening a package full of smelly turkey butts from Mac..lololol...!! ( Stay away from my holy cows)

  5. Your cows have holes in them????? Don't they leak?

  6. ALL cows have holes !! Dont they??

  7. I don't better check...

  8. I like my glass topped stove with the digital buttons and turbo cook oven.....just don't slam a plastic glass on it when pissed off......( and make sure that model has not been discontinued)

  9. I would love to have one of those stoves but if you are having a hard time learning all the in's and out's I better not get one. Bill has to eat enough burnt food as it is. lol

  10. Mac
    I have a glass top and I love mine
    remember that they cook alittle hotter
    31/2 is 4 I go from there
    its so easy... and after it cools I place a
    stove cover I made,to keep it from getting scratched..
    good luck

  11. What!!! I have to get a stove doilie now. That's funny.Thanks Lital...Hmmmm, who can I get to knit me one up?

  12. This stove does have one of those features that boils water super quick. I can't wait to see an electric bill cause the nuke plants lights dim when ever I use it.

  13. Maybe you should do some wiring in your house

  14. I am glad I have a gas stove, I never could get use to cooking anything on top of an electric stove. Sounds like things are slowly coming together for you Mac, I don't envy you all the packing and unpacking.

  15. I miss my gas stove it was so exact in cooking. We have a glass top stove and after a year I'm still not use to it. I never know what temp to select as in cooking an omlet...Hard to clean some spills. Previous owner's son spilled some sugar on the stove when it was hot and it exploded a chunk of glass now it has a chunk missing...Nice thing of spills get down inside the burners.

  16. I don't have a problem w/ mine
    and it has all the bells and whisles
    I just start out on the lower no#'s
    I've learned to use mine reather quickly
    and I still love it...and the cover ..lolol as well !

  17. Thats not a cow..thats a huge cheese shaped like a cow Sue.

  18. We cant cook Indian food on an electric stove. We need to temper the spices on a proper gas flame stove.

  19. what an interesting live you have Mac ! so it was you at Veros LOL I promise that I wont tell and I'll whisper in Zees ear for you too , hope the fod was as yummy as it sounds .

  20. hahahaha glad I don't like butts LMBAOPIMP...maybe a little curry sauce in the gravy would brighten it have a margarita...hey I thought that wuz you at Cousin Veros hehe
