Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Graveyard Shift

The company I work for started a new job in a mall. We are putting a new restaurant over an existing restaurant  on a newly constructed 2nd floor. The floor in the new place is concrete and to get the new plumbing in place we have to go through the ceilings of the existing restaurant.

So we have to wait until the mall closes and can't start working until 11pm. I pulled up on the job last night and we went into the kitchen of the existing restaurant. I just felt sick seeing this kitchen. The restaurant is a very popular national chain seafood place. They average over 120 some odd thousand a week in what they take in. This kitchen was so disgusting. Bins of food from the days cooking were left out all over the place and on the floors. The floors were full of slop and puddles of water. None of the individuals in the kitchen could even speak English. Plumbing contractors were already up in the ceilings remove old plumbing. They had nothing to do with us. They were chopping out old sewage lines and removing them. The stench was terrible. I watched as they would cut through a pipe and removed it and the black sludge would drip out of the pipe all over the suspended ceiling below. The kitchen was directly below. My crew just could not believe what was taking place. I swear that if a health inspector ever walked into this kitchen it would have been shut down right then and there and the reason for it even to be able to operate in this day and age is beyond me. And I am not just talking in regards to the work being done over the kitchen.

When the plumbers finally got out of the way I was able to get up over the ceiling to see and do what I needed to have done. Again I was to be shocked with more disgust. This kitchen had close to 6 giant hoods over the stoves. Up in the ceiling I had a good view of the tops of those hoods. The grease just covered everything. There was such a stench I couldn't refrain from gagging. I am sure that when our plumbing contractor comes in tonight he is going to have a real challenge doing what he needs to do.

Eventually I found the time to actually see the dining area. It was beautiful and also had a nice bar. Everything was really elaborate with plenty of detailed wood work. If only the customers knew what was going on in that kitchen. I can't even recall at the moment the name of the restaurant but I will post it tomorrow and would advise anyone from ever eating at this place.

I am really surprised that I did not see any rodent infestation. I would think that with all the food waste and open bins of food on the floor an open invitation would be there. I guess the real shocker of it all was that the kitchen employees just left the mess. When I use to cook in a restaurant many years ago a mess was never allowed in the kitchen. When the day was done everything was left spic and span clean.

Well, anyway, I worked the graveyard shift last night, something I haven't done in almost 20 years. I guess the behind the scenes view of things has changed through the years. I am going to try to do the daytime sleep thing now and am not sure how that is going to work out.


  1. I think you should call the health department before someone gets poisoned.(especially if they have health problems)...If it is a Red Lobster like Mike and I went to on our anniversary a few years ago, I guess I know why we ended up with food poisoning, if that is what is allowed in their kitchens.....We will NEVER go back.

  2. Oh that is terrible Mac..I agree with Sue and think you'd be doing the public a big favor in reporting it...maybe you could do it animously if you think it would be detrimental to your job. I hope you get into the night shift swing and get adjusted soon.

  3. I am really surprised that I did not see any rodent infestation.<< and they was probably stuck in grease some where..gag's
    OMG..plz remember the name!!

  4. You can call the health department on them and I'm darn sure I would. That sort of thing should not be allowed. Here in Ontario we just went thru a listeria outbreak with Maple Leaf Foods.
    There are now 29 cases of listeriosis, including 15 deaths, linked to tainted meat from a Maple Leaf Foods meat-packing plant in Toronto. Maple Leaf has closed its plant AND doing a huge meat recall. Decontamination efforts continue at the plant. ALL BECAUSE of improper cleaning DEEP inside the cutting machines. Appear they were cleaning but surface not ripping the machines apart to get down inside.
    I know were my daughter manages a restaurant the kitchen must be left clean every close and they get regular impromtu inspections from the Health Dept. Same for when my other daughter ran the deli department for Zehrs in town. The deli dept. had to be thoroughly cleaned every night ripping apart all the machines, surface and floors scrubbed and disinfected.
    I'd be calling the Health Dept. Mac. That is serious shit!

  5. Most of the time if the place is to be inspected they get a call telling them that it's going to happen. Just depends on who you know that works at the Health Dept.. Now if I were you I would have each of the guy's call in and make a complaint on how the filth is and let them know that you are thinking of the public. If that don't do the job then have your local newspaper get a report...Reporter's have a way to make things happen if it's posted in the newspaper then stating that someone is falling down on their job.

  6. It sounds disgusting and I can not even imagine having to go to work in that place. I hope you don't get sick Mac, do be careful.

  7. Hope you have a peaceful days sleep, Mac.Those working conditions sound terrible not to mention the hazzards to the public.

  8. Take rest and dont stress yourself out.

  9. I just love the internet. Nothing like a simple search...
    Bridgewater Commons Dining & Entertainment
    Visit Bridgewater Commons located in Bridgewater, New Jersey for the best in shopping, ... Bridgewater Commons. McCormick & Schmick Seafood Restaurant.

  10. I did forget to mention that about 1am a cleaning crew of 8 people come in every night to clean the restaurant's kitchen. I didn't go back in again to see what the condition was after they had gone through the place. I just figured an 8 person crew working for 5 hours could clean up any mess left by the slobs of a kitchen staff.
    If it had been a Red Lobster Sue, I could have been whacked in the head with a 2X4 and not have forgotten that name, lol. I am not that bad yet.

  11. Reporting A Major Health Concern‏
    From: Maclll (
    Sent: Wed 9/17/08 6:57 PM
    To:; Comcast (
    To whom it may concern.

    I am a construction worker and have just started working over at the Bridgewater Commons Mall. Last night was the first night working there. I was doing work that had to be done through the McCormick & Schmick Seafood Restaurant. I could not believe the condition of the kitchen area. Bins of food on the floors. Food slop and puddles of standing water in the slop. Plumbers working in the suspended ceilings over the kitchen area removing old sewer lines and the old raw sewage from these lines after they were cut dripping onto the ceilings below with open food containers and food prep areas below.
    I could not believe the condition of this kitchen and believe that it is actually serving the public under these conditions.

    With my signature on the bottom

  12. Way to go Mac. Now if the rest of the crew did the same and you notified the local newspaper I'm pretty darn sure Health Dept would be forced to do something.
    Proud of ya Mac.

  13. It will be interesting to see what happens... It is just as much a safety/health concern for you workers while you are there as well, you did good to report it.

  14. In nz they would be closed down ! Every restaurant has to have a notice on the door of their number Every restaurant is inspected and given a number and the higher the number the cleaner the restaurant . Any not up to standard is immediately closed down . The notice is on the door or front window. So we have the option of eating there or not .They are also spot checked. It makes me feel safe if we go out to eat.

  15. I felt nauseated just reading about it...You would be doing the community a good service by reporting it to the health department..even if it prevents 1 person from becoming seriously sick. You must have a cast iron stomach! lol have a great day

  16. Oh okay... read your above comment after i posted my previous comment...High Fives Mac.

  17. Way to go Mac.........what did the others remodeling think about it? I like Mistys ideas of contacting the press!!

  18. bless you mac I dispise graveyard shift. I never could sleep during the day unless i am very sick. I just stayed awake till a zombie took me over and i got some weird form of rest. Have a blast though I will pray it will be ok with ya

  19. Hey did you happen to find some midnight snacks at this place while you worked? lol

  20. I wouldn't eat anything out of this place Judy , even if everyone held me down and a plunger were to be used to force feed me.

  21. RE: Reporting A Major Health Concern‏
    From: Chris Polusen (
    Sent: Thu 9/18/08 2:08 PM
    To: 'Maclll' (

    Please allow me to respond to your concerns regarding the above referenced matter. The Division of Health will respond and conduct a full review of the conditions as reported. You will further be advised of the outcome of the inspection.


    Chris O. Poulsen

    Director of Human Services

  22. WOW, well at least the reply was quick, now if they take action.....Keep us posted I'm sure we all would like to know how it comes out!!

  23. I'm proud of you Mac. At least this is showing them that someone does care for those folks that eat at that place. I hope it hasn't been so hard on you and the other's to have to deal with that mess.

  24. That's pretty disgusting, Mac. We have that restaurant in VA and I surely hope their kitchens are in better shape that the one you were in. Let us know what happens.
