Sunday, September 7, 2008


I'm sorry I haven't  been around much this past week but I have been in the process of  moving. What a job....

I was debating on renting a moving truck from U haul or Ryder but opted instead to throw sides on the bed of my little Ford Ranger. Lol. Man, we have big stuff but the little truck is doing a fine job. I hauled over most of the big stuff and I am thinking of leaving the little stuff for my wife and her minnie van.

The home we are moving into was my in laws. I loaded their truck for them on Labor day and then started moving our stuff in 2  days later and have been making trip after trip since. I have everything so far except for the big stuff for the master  bedroom. I will get that today. I did not bring it yet because I had to finish work on the master bedroom.

At one time my father in law decided to remove the front closet and put a door way through to the master bedroom from the living room. Why? I have no idea. The entrance he made wasa walk through through the closet. . For some strange reason he had lowered the header hieghts down to close to 6'. I had to re frame the closet from the living room and then reframe the master bedroom closet, re drywall, tape and spackle and install new doors.   I took the time yesterday to repaint the master bedroom. We picked a wall color of a sky blue and my wife and I love it. From past painting there were some real butcher jobs with a paint brush. Almost like someone had cut in with a rake. All around the cove moulding at the ceiling there were severe drips. I had painted the walls and all the old drips stood out like a sore thumb so I had to scrape and sand and spackle to get things looking decent. I finished last night at almost 11pm but will say it looks great and my wife loves it. The existing walls were a light brown color.( So Ugly,lol) The closets, I installed 16"wire shelving and rods. I think the wider shelves will work out  better for stoage and I put them in because I like the fact that I don't have to paint them.

Well,,Back to work.


  1. Wow, you've been busy. Moving is such a chore. So is painted and fixing up a house. Wow. When you're done, could you come help me with my family room??? One wall has paneling, which I hate. Rip it off and put up wall board, okay? Painting would be great, too. :)

  2. It's a big job, but there is so much satisfaction when you're done!!!! Good thing you weren't moving furniture yesterday with all that rain!!!

  3. Oh Mac, I would have opted for the U-haul. We have moved so many times and always did it like you are now except when we moved out of state. When you move into a new place and have to do the work you have been doing, it's hard on the body. I hope you will post some picture's soon of your new home. Oh and once you are all moved in just head my way and you can do my kitchen, bath and heck I'll even let you do the whole house. lol I'm a good stupervisor and will guide you in the right direction if you feel like running away. lol

  4. Wonders if Judy's "stupervisor" was a typo!!!!! lolol...I make a good sidewalk superintendant, myself!
    Your master bedroom sounds lovely , Mac. Hope the rain holds off for you today.

  5. Waiting for of luck!

  6. Sounds like you have been one busy guy, I hope you had help moving that stuff Mac, it's a job trying to load and unlead stuff by yourself. I need to do some painting but I can't seem to talk myself into it yet,lol.

  7. Slides Mac a glass of tea, I hope your happy In your new home
    I always hated the move.but found that if you pask one room at a time .move it in ..if you can.... and put it away ,it makes it fun..lolol

  8. Im not moving anywhere. When I go it will be in a box. A big box LOL
    I admire all the work your doing and I know the great feeling of satisfaction you get when its all done.

  9. We had been planning to move around the 4th of July but with the in laws that wasn't happening. It took them over 3 months to get all the birds and cages out of here. My son is in seminary now so I lost his assistance. I did have assistance though. The put this here and put that there and get this or that on the next trip. I'm happy I do have all the large household items here now though. My shop is another story. Any Volunteers?

  10. What about your gardens? lol Looking forward to some pictures when you get a spare moment.

  11. some people should NOT be allowed to even pick up a paintbrush....when your done moving come on over and help me paint here would ya?
