Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Misty's Car Thing

I'm a Ford Mustang!

You're an American classic -- fast, strong, and bold.  You're not snobby or pretentious, but you have what it takes to give anyone a run for their money.

"Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.


  1. Hah...an American Classic eh! ...It's all Vero's fault for starting this car craze lol lol lol....

  2. Hey I thought classic meant old and worn out. lol

  3. Classics never wear out Judy. They stand the tests of time.((Mac is really 115 but he doesn't want sympathy from anyone)) giggle

  4. chokes on my teeth because my adhesive couldn't hold back such a big guffaw.. Whacks Vero with my cane and breaks my elbow.

  5. Uses Mac's cane as a splint for his elbow..

  6. Goes out and gets refurbished teefers and a bigger whacker.No respect I tells ya.

  7. Whacks Mac on the back and catches his teef as they come flying out. THANKS! I needed a spare set.

  8. Whacks Mac's Back...that's a borderline tongue twister...

  9. Don't forget Vero, Them teeth were in Putrid's mouth.

  10. Good grief, I need to stop reading blogs late at night....I thought you said refurbished reefers...I wasn't about to ask about it, but just assumed Suzi would know all about it,lol...

  11. "Reefers" Is that plural for "Refer"? And if you combine many different types of Reefer and roll them together would you be smoking "Reefer" or "Reefers"? Goes back to stomping wine and ponders the delema Vic has confuzeled me with. Waits for a pass from Suzi.

  12. Reefer, The Urban Dictionary Definition.

    God's most glorious gift to mankind: green, weed, bud, dope, pot, herb, grass, the great smoke-****. This wonderful plant, when rolled into a joint, blunt or packed into a bowl etc., is the single most effective way to relax and be at ease known to man. It can be smoked from joints, blunts, pipes, bongs, hookahs, one-hitters, bubblers and indeed just about anything.

  13. Ohh..that...that grows wild here...noone cares..saw a cow eat it once...saw her waltz with the bull later.

  14. You're an American classic -- fast, strong, and bold. You're not snobby or pretentious, but you have what it takes to give anyone a run for their money.
    "Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.
    me too
