Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Cool Trick With Mountain Dew


  1. Hate to tell ya Mac, but its not true..I've seen the video before and did a snopes check and it is a hoax.... they use a glowstick liquid in there.

  2. hahahahahaha couldn't ya just see Sue experimenting..getting frustrated cuz it didn't work only to discover good old Snopes was on the ball once lol You guys kill me.

  3. Wonders if I drink some mountain dew, take a little backing soda and peroxide and jump up and down that I will glow?...I have a feeling I might not glow, but I might turn green! lol

  4. Let me know if it works Vic..then I'll try it too.

  5. well it was entertaining thanks for that Mac

  6. Hmmmmmm so THAT'S what the eerie glow I saw outside my window last night was!!!! Vic, Misty, Mac and Zee celebrating Halloween early! LOL

  7. Too bad this can't be done....just think of the electric we wouldn't need to light our homes. lol

  8. Came back by to see if Viccles was glowing yet...

  9. Sings......."Glow little glow worm, glimmmmmer glimmmmer"

  10. Yep ! My belly even keeps dancing long after I stop!

  11. Good One, ya 'had me going for a moment',(Sorta Like All The Governmental+World's Elitists,"Had Us ALL going on 9-11-2001"...and *Still have approximately 50% of US Citizens "Believeing the Lie"!
    I don't Like "Obama, I simply see him as the 'least of *the 2-evils'...The one less likely to be a War-Mongering, Lying Republipig+Murderous International War-Criminal, like BUSH-Boy. *I Wouldn't have 'gone 4 Ron Paul, either, he's *Been in Bed with the Repubs for too many years, Not to Be Covered in the 'sweat + blood', of the poor&middle class Americans. WE Need a TRUE LEADER, Now...and I see none in sight...I simply see OBAMA as the 'less Evil'.(As Most Likely See Him). This is in Reply to my "PALIN Video". You seem like a Groovin' Guy, what's your *prob. with Obama, his politics, or his(omg),race? *May The One Who Cares About Ending this Farce of a War, Helping The Economy, The One who will put the needs of the Poor, The Middle Class, OVER, the Wealthy Globalist's & their NWO-Agenda, that's My "IDEAL-Leader". PEACE&CARE TO ALL, STOP The NWO,Now! Hope4American Soverienty; HUGzz,~Shelly
